Hey all,

Can anyone think of any fast-paced romances (i.e., romances where the main couple gets together early in the drama) where the ML/FL stay together, support one another, and generally have a supportive, mature, non-angsty relationship? Another way to put what I'm looking for would be this: I want to watch a show where the drama is OUTSIDE the main couple's relationship, rather than inside it.

Usually it seems like these two factors don't come together: if the relationship isn't angsty, then it takes a while for them to get together; if they get together quickly, then their relationship is sure to get angsty. But I'm hoping you can point me in the direction of some shows that check both boxes!


Try One Spring Night or Romance is a Bonus Book (though later is more slowish with relationship thing) 


Try One Spring Night or Romance is a Bonus Book (though later is more slowish with relationship thing) 

Thanks. I liked One Spring Night, though the cinematography gave it a bit of an angsty feel even when it wasn't otherwise tense. I'll take a look at Romance is a Bonus Book. Some of my favorite dramas that are in the ballpark of what I'm looking for include Forever and Ever, Hidden Love, Horimiya, Love Me, Love My Voice, Meet Yourself, Shanai Marriage Honey, When I Fly Towards You, and You are My Glory. Of those, though, only Forever and Ever, Horimiya, and Shanai Marriage Honey check the fast-paced romance box.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love.


Amidst a Snowstorm of Love.

I really liked this one!

Following this for some more recommendations (even though I do like some angst with my romance)