I just finished When the phone rings and really enjoyed it. The next drama I have my eyes on is Love Scout. Looking at the trailer, premise and actors I've decided to wait till it finishes airing and binge it over a weekend. So I'm looking for dramas similar to these two - romance…family…arranged marriage…single parent……..……… something similar.

So preferred genre: rom-com, rom-thriller and not melodrama.


Thanks in advance 

Maybe you'll enjoy Perfect Marriage Revenge, it's more soap opera-ish than WTPR but has kinda similiar vibe and amazing chemistry between the leads.

 nie wiem:

Maybe you'll enjoy Perfect Marriage Revenge, it's more soap opera-ish than WTPR but has kinda similiar vibe and amazing chemistry between the leads.

I'll check it out.... Thanks for the recommendation 

Flower of Evil gave me a similar vibe and has some of the same plot.


Flower of Evil gave me a similar vibe and has some of the same plot.

Watched it... Loved it.... Considering 3rd rewatch now

My Lethal Man gives off similar vibes to WTPR. Amazing OTP. I highly recommend it.


My Lethal Man gives off similar vibes to WTPR. Amazing OTP. I highly recommend it.

Oh I haven't seen this yet.... Thanks 

Queen of Tears?

I have not watched either but I kinda get the feeling they may be similar 


Queen of Tears?

I have not watched either but I kinda get the feeling they may be similar 

Watched it... There are a few similarities