1:(1st and 2nd pic)
In it the boy shakes his head sideways towards girl but she still runs into his arms and hugs him.
2:(3rd pic)
In it 3 or 4 guys think the girl is taking their photos, so they keep posing but in actuality, she's taking the photos of this guy.
3:(4th and 5th pic)
In it girl is drawing the guy playing basketball, and she draws the guy with low man bun ponytail, then she sees the guy tying his hair. She gets puzzled, instinctively turns back to see guy recording her. And the the guy playing basketball is seeing the video.
4:(6th pic)
In it guy writes(128√e980) on the board and turns it into I Love You.
5: I also saw a clip in which a guy and girl are riding bus, girl keeps liking his(the guy's) social posts, the dude sees it and snaps their photo together.
( So can someone tell me their titles whether they are from movies, dramas or music album).
p.s: I know some clips could be their own tiktok creations. So ignore those things.