I know this was already asked here and I also posted this on reddit. 

I liked the fact that the leads had good chemistry and that most people in the show were like normal I guess. Not many kdramas are "normal", they are often exaggerated and far from reality but I felt like this kdrama was more suited to my tastes than others that I've seen, and that's why I liked it so much. The drama was great and even had a sweet lesson. The leads were so normal, likable, and not irrational. Even "the other guy", the one that also likes the female lead, was normal, kind, and not annoying. Kdramas make me cringe so hard because of my personality but I really like watching romance shows so I can't help it. This show was less cringey and more "normal", the dynamics/relationships between people were fun, and the acting was pretty good. The tension/drama in the show was really lowkey and not that bad and characters in the drama didn't respond in a crazy way either. And I liked that the relationship just worked out well over the course of the show, not because the writers forced them to work out in the last episode all rushed. Another appealing thing was that it was only one person causing all the drama, which for some reason I liked because it's so simple and realistic, not like a huge crime network. It also had a perfect ending where all the drama was resolved and the main leads ended up together and happy, I just wish they got to spend more time together. So cute >~<.

I'm just looking for a romance drama like My ID is Gangnam Beauty:

-that's cute, normal, not irritating, and pretty chill

-not super cheesy but cute

-that's funny or has even some light humor (I thought Mi Rae and Hyun Jung were really funny together, so were other characters) 

-where the characters are nice, likable, funny, normal, simple/realistic, and rational   -the reason for liking each other makes sense and didn't come out of nowhere

 -with good acting and good chemistry between the leads and all characters/ fun dynamics between characters (like all the characters in this drama are friends and in college together). Characters like Yoo Eun and Jung Boon are so great and wholesome, I love characters like this.

-where there isn't too much crazy drama between the leads or in general/in the show, just like realistic/simple drama and smooth sailing for the leads (the drama in My ID is gangnam beauty felt better and more realistic since Soo A acted like a sociopath and it was interesting to see where she went with it + Kyung Seok and Mi Rae's relationship went well without unnecessary, stupid, overly dramatic bumps in the road. They are so kind and nice to each other, like how normal people treat each other).

I don't like historical dramas that much. And dramas like "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim?" are not my style (those kinds of dramas are a too cheesy and unrealistic in my opinion. And the male lead's character was too unrealistic, like an unfunny manchild. I don't like characters like that but I love kind and realistic characters like Kyung Seok). And dramas like "Something in the Rain" where there is too much drama and turmoil between the leads and in the show are not my style either.

I'm really sorry for being so picky and writing too much. This post itself is probably irritating. It's really hard to word my specific tastes but I really want to watch another drama like this, it's so fresh in my mind. I really liked this kdrama, more than any others I've watched. I hope people understand what I'm even talking about and that there are actually dramas out there like this one, thank you.

I would suggest watching Shopping King Louie. The couple was very cute and was an easy watch.

Try "My Private Life",  (same actress fr what's wrong with secretary kim but her chemistry with Kim Jae Wook is amazing)
Or try  "romance is a bonus book" and

If you dont mind watching chinnese drama then try to watch love o2o, the lead so cute and they trust each other

i have a few dramas with less cringy couples that you might like! i also wasn’t a big fan of WWWSK either and i dislike cringey, cheesy, and cliche dramas with those couples and i also dislike forced romance.

Just Between Lovers - this one i recently finished that i loved SO MUCH. the chemistry they have between the main couple is undeniable. there isn’t really a second lead that will bother you that much. the progression of this drama is smooth and it isn’t rushed. this couple is also really casual and veryy cute❤️

Goblin - again a really cute couplee!! not cringey or cliche, and the romance isn’t forced. the second couple has a really cute love story and this drama is really smooth with the romance.

Strong Woman - this one also has a really cute couplee!!! a few people maybe find it a bit cringy at some parts but they have great chemistry, a lot of comedy, and also an understanding second lead :)

Her Private Life - I felt the chemistry in this drama so much, no misunderstandings between the couples and everything is very natural. i enjoyed this WAY better than WWWSK :)

Healer - the couple in this drama has really sweet chemistry. it’s a really refreshing drama ❤️❤️

you might have watched some of these but i found the couples in these dramas with a lot of chemistry and they aren’t as cringy as couples in other dramas. they are very casual, perfectly paced, and show true love hehe :) hopefully you’ll take on some of these recommendations ahaha

You should definitely try Because This Is My First Life.  I also liked that My ID Is Gangnam Beauty was "normal" and not too dramatic or cringy. And because of that I wrote recommendation between similarities of Because This Is My First Life and My ID Is Gangnam Beauty. You can check my recommendation in recs section of My ID Is Gangnam Beauty;-).