No or little fluff, don’t care about romance. Looking for ML (FL works too) who suffers a lot. Maybe they’re sick or they have a dark past. The kind of main char who pushes on past their own limits to achieve or work toward something or to help someone, even if it makes them suffer/hurt themselves.

Wuxia and xianxia are ok. Not really into action heavy stuff (like spies and military but martial arts is cool). Tend to watch historical dramas but modern is good too.  Basically all the things that made Nirvana in Fire awesome- what others can be found?

Update: have already tried Rise of the Phoenixes, NIF 2, Secret of 3 Kingdoms (ML doesn’t suffer and is a fool, it’s so slow...), Disguiser

Nirvana in Fire 2

The Rise of Phoenixes

The Longest Day in Chang'an

Secrets of Three Kingdoms

The Disguiser