To tell you the truth, I haven't warmed up to Tan Song Yun since the first year. I've never watched any of her dramas before. After seeing that she'll be partnered with ZYC here, I did some research. She's a very beautiful actress and talented. I think ZYC and TSY will do well together.

I think once you watched one of her dramas, you will definitely warmed up to her. TSY is an actress that is easy to love. Her smiles just captures you and her acting is so natural that you don't think she's acting. She's just that good! She brings out the good in all her drama partners. She and ZYC will do very well together.  I saw his interview when they first started shooting. He just finished the movie "A legend" and he was trying to lighten his skin from the tan he got shooting the movie. TSY had given him some products to try. He called her teacher Tan and said she was a good girl and a hard worker.  He was really sweet. During the filming process I got to know a little more about ZYC. I seriously think he's the female equivalent of TSY. They are very low key,  amazing actors, great work ethics, non confrontational,  patriotism to their country, and they do charitable work in their spare time. If ZYC didn't have a gf, I would really wish these two would get together.  I'm so looking forward to their collaboration,  and I just know it will be amazing! 

I got to know Tan Song Yun after the Brocade Odyssey drama. She is really a sweet, beautiful actress. You said some new things. I had never heard of her before. It's good that they are helpful and love their country. I also think TSY and ZYC will do very well. They both have unique talent. And my brother watched a drama by Seven and he really likes it. The drama I'm talking about is Go Ahead. There are rumors about ZYC, about his girlfriend. If it's not true, I would also want him to date Seven.