I believe that due to budget constraints, this scene was cut because it would've needed a lot of special effects.

1. Mind Space - Desert Day

【Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya, Sen Luo】

Ji Yang and Yin Ya stepped into a desert. The wind howled, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and yellow sand filled the sky.

Yin Ya: I didn’t expect that Senluo’s state of mind was such a desolate desert.

The two looked up, but the flying sand blocked their view and there was no one around. Ji Yang suddenly felt something and frowned.

Ji Yang: There is a Yin Zhu aura and the remaining souls of Sen Luo are nearby.

The two climbed up a sandy slope and looked out. The camera slowly moved sideways. Suddenly, a man with a dignified face appeared in front of them, emitting black demonic energy and with ghostly fire burning in his eyes.

Sen Luo sneered: I didn’t expect you to actually come in.

Ji Yang remained calm and said: I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Yin Ya taunted: You are Sen Luo? Today, we will end this with you!

Sen Luo looked at Yin Ya, who was instantly pinned to the ground by the pressure of the demonic energy.

Sen Luo: Just you? If it weren't for those soul-soothing nails, do you think you can stand and talk to me? Sen Luo looked at Ji Yang and smiled.

Sen Luo: Want to end it with me? Okay, I'd like to try.

Sen Luo stood up slowly and made a gesture to summon Yin Zhu. The sky changed drastically and countless Yin Zhu black air suddenly rose in the desert and was sucked into Sen Luo's body.

Seeing this, Ji Yang immediately performed a ritual to collect Yin Zhu, and the entire desert was instantly filled with black fog. Ji Yang's eyes were fierce: Let's see today who is the host of Yin Zhu!

After that, Ji Yang used the power of Yin Zhu to attack Sen Luo, and Sen Luo also used the power of Yin Zhu to resist. The two black energy forces competed with each other, and it was difficult to tell who would win. In a hurry, Yin Ya was about to take the risk of casting a spell to attack Sen Luo.

Sen Luo sneered: Idiot! He and I share the same body. If you hurt me, you will hurt him too! Come on! Yin Ya was forced to stop and became even more anxious.

Sen Luo was proud and looked at Ji Yang with a playful look: "I am alone and fearless. Ji Ming defeated me a thousand years ago, but he still died before me. Even if I die with you today, I will have no regrets. But you are different. If you die in this desert, what will happen to your sweetheart? You will never see her again."

Hearing Nan Yan, Ji Yang suddenly couldn't bear it, and his heart moved. However, in this moment of hesitation, Sen Luo's men exerted their strength and quickly gained the upper hand, and the black energy was about to attack Ji Yang.

Yin Ya shouted anxiously: Ji Yang!

3. Mind Space - Desert Day

【Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya, Sen Luo】

Ji Yang came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and suddenly jumped up, blasting away both black energy forces. A dazzling white light flashed, and Ji Yang had already rushed in front of Sen Luo and grabbed his neck.

Ji Yang sneered: How dare you mention A Yan? But you are right. It is because of A Yan that I want to completely eliminate you!

Ji Yang exerted force on his hands and gradually suffocated, but he did not loosen his strength and became more and more fierce.

Sen Luo was getting weaker and weaker, but he suddenly smiled: Do you think that if I die, your A Yan will be able to live?

Ji Yang was shocked.

Sen Luo succeeded and said provocatively: It seems you don't know that your A Yan... is going to die!

4. Nancang Underground Palace Outside the Punishment Pavilion

【Characters: Nan Yan, Nan Yi】

Nan Yan came to the outside of the Punishment Pavilion and saw a man (Nan Yi) sitting inside the pavilion. At this time, the sound of the zither disappeared.

Nan Yi's hands and feet were each wearing a pair of shackles. At this moment, a piece of music had just finished. As the last ray of music faded away, the piece of music formed by the spiritual power in Nan Yi's hand also gradually dissipated.

5. Mind Space Desert Day

【Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya, Sen Luo】

Ji Yang released Sen Luo: What does that mean?

Sen Luo coughed violently, laughing while coughing.

Ji Yang grabbed Sen Luo by the collar and said angrily: Say it again!

Sen Luo looked at Ji Yang with pride: When Ji Ming was refining the Qi Fu Karma Book, I used some tricks. Everyone in the world knows that Qi Fu is a skill to defeat demons, but only I know that for those who practice cultivation, it is a backlash poison.

Ji Yang's face darkened: Backlash... What will happen to her?

Sen Luo laughed strangely: Fight poison with poison, and eventually return to nothingness. Since Nan Yan has inherited the power of Qi Fu's Book of Creation, she must bear its price. Do you think I just absorbed her spiritual power in Youquan Prison last time? You are wrong, I stimulated her evil power, which means that after eighty-one days, Nan Yan will die!

Before he finished speaking, Ji Yang punched Sen Luo in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Ji Yang's face was filled with hatred: I will kill you!

Sen Luo's mouth was bloody, and he laughed: Why, are you heartbroken? I kindly reminded you not to get close to Blood Hand Asura. Do you feel the pain now? If Qi Fu doesn't use it to convert a Yin Zhu master like me, no one can withstand Qi Fu's power, and Nan Yan is dead!

7. Mind Space - Desert Day

【Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya, Sen Luo】

Ji Yang said viciously: Do you think I will believe you if you say this? Nan Yan once used Qi Fu to help me overcome the demon, but it was impossible to save me!

Sen Luo is weak: That's because the time has not come yet. If you want to prevent Nan Yan from being attacked by Qi Fu, you must combine all the power of Yin Zhu to dissipate her Qi Fu power.

Ji Yang: How to dispel the combined power of all Yin Zhu?

Sen Luo stared at Ji Yang and laughed strangely: You are anxious.

Ji Yang punched Sen Luo in the face again: Speak!

Sen Luo's smile became more sinister: I just like to see you so anxious and in pain, I really mean it.

Before Sen Luo could finish his words, Ji Yang was already furious, punching him madly one after another, stirring up yellow sand all over the sky, as if he wanted to vent all his shock and heartache on Sen Luo.

Ji Yang: Tell me! How to resolve it?

Sen Luo was beaten almost to death, and finally spoke: She………………will kill you with her own hands…………

Ji Yang was so shocked that all his movements froze in their tracks.

Senluo sneered and whispered in Ji Yang's ear: So I need you to gather the five hells and become the reincarnation of Sen Luo.

Ji Yang's eyes turned red: You want me to be you?!

Sen Luo shook his head: I want you to be yourself, reincarnation of Sen Luo, it is your fate that you cannot escape...

Ji Yang grabbed Sen Luo's neck and said: Shut up!

Yin Ya on the side was furious: You lunatic! You are talking nonsense!

Sen Luo challenged: You don’t have to believe it, just kill me now, and you will know after 81 days……

Ji Yang punched Sen Luo again and knocked him to the ground.

Sen Luo: My soul was sealed for a thousand years. It was because you appeared in Youquan Prison that I was able to use the power of Yin Zhu to reshape your body and revive myself...

Ji Yang was slowly stunned.

(Flashback, insert scene--)

Ji Yang felt more and more heartbroken when he thought about everything that happened between him and Nan Yan.

Sen Luo laughed wildly, his voice full of sarcasm: Oh no, it's not a demon, you are the demon. Everything you do is in accordance with my will. Because you and I are one, this is your destiny!

Ji Yang couldn't accept all this, and was so furious that he punched Sen Luo again!

Ji Yang: Shut up!

Senluo was hit hard again and was dying, knowing that his end was near.

Sen Luo looked at Ji Yang's collapse, and used up his last bit of strength to press on: What, you can't accept that you will eventually become me? Aren't you willing to die for your woman? If you have collected the Five Prisons, you can do it! Such a good opportunity is in front of you, do you want it or not?

Ji Yang looked at Sen Luo angrily, his eyes full of anger, fear, unwillingness and despair towards fate. Sen Luo suddenly laughed up to the sky, and the black air around him slowly dissipated with the wind and sand.

Sen Luo's voice gradually faded away: People in the world only know me, Sen Luo, who destroyed the heavens and the earth and frightened millions of people. But in fact, the number of people I killed may not be as many as those hypocritical people. The so-called righteous path is nothing but the boasting of mediocre people...

9. Sorrowful Mountain and Buddhist Sea, Nearby Villages, Sun in the Forest

[Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya, Master Chiku, Fox Queen]

Ji Yang was helped up by the Fox Queen, but he was already exhausted.

Yin Ya also regained consciousness, looking dazed and silent.

The Fox Queen stepped forward and helped Yin Ya with his spiritual power.

Ji Yang looked at Master Chiku, who silently opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Master Chiku looked at Ji Yang's expectant eyes and nodded.

Master Chiku: Senluo’s soul has dissipated... You and Yin Ya... succeeded.

Ji Yang walked up to Master Chiku and whispered: What Senluo said………………..

Master Chiku closed his eyes: It is true.

Ji Yang nodded, turned around and bowed to the Fox Queen, but the Fox Queen turned aside and did not accept the greeting.

Fox Queen: I only hope that you will treat my brother well in the future.

Ji Yang nodded.

Ji Yang kept watching without saying anything until Senluo completely dissipated.

Yin Ya looked at Ji Yang worriedly: Do you really believe what he said?

Ji Yang was silent for a while: Open the door, let’s go back.

Yin Ya was anxious: What are you going to do?

Ji Yang's tone was calm, but unquestionable: I can't gamble with A Yan's life. Yin Ya was stunned and had nothing to say.

24. Choushan Fanhai, nearby villages, and in the sunny forest

【Characters: Ji Yang, Yin Ya】

Ji Yang sat in the woods, looking at the Yin Zhus in his palms.

Ji Yang frowned: The Reincarnation Prison is in the Shanhai Jinjue, but the Shanhai Jinjue has not been opened for many years... Eighty-one days, A Yan can no longer wait!

Ji Yang put away his secret thoughts and stood up to leave when Yin Ya's voice rang out from behind him.

Yin Ya: Where are you going?

Ji Yang remained calm and said: Go to Longdu to find A Yan and tell her that Sen Luo is dead.

Yin Ya didn't believe it: Now all the sects are rushing to Longdu, and the Shanhai Jinjue may be reopened. You are going to Longdu at this time, not just to see Nan Yan! You are going for the Shanhai Jinjue!

Ji Yang ignored him and continued walking forward with a determined look, but was stopped by Yin Ya again.

Yin Ya: Are you crazy? If you continue to jail people, you will really become the reincarnation of Sen Luo!

Ji Yang pushed Yin Ya against a tree and said: I warn you, don't tell anyone about this, especially A Yan!

Yin Ya was anxious: You want to die, you want to force yourself into a dead end, you want to use your life to exchange for Nan Yan's life, you have been asked to be a good person, and you still want me to help you keep this huge secret! I don't have the ability, I can't deceive Nan Yan, if she knew that I helped you deceive her, she would kill me!

Ji Yang also became anxious: Then I will kill you now!

Yin Ya gritted his teeth: Come on! Even if I die here today, I will never let you go!

Ji Yang attacked Yin Ya directly, but Yin Ya was no match for him and was knocked to the ground by the air wave. Yin Ya gritted his teeth in pain and tried to fight again, but was knocked down again.

Ji Yang said coldly: I have to leave today, I will ask you one last time, will you help me with this secret or not?

Yin Ya's mouth was covered in blood: If I don't help, do you really dare to kill me?

Ji Yang's eyes were cold: Do you think I don't dare?

Yin Ya was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled weakly at Ji Yang.

Yin Ya: You know, I actually never really liked you. No matter if it was Ji Yang or Yin, you were always so arrogant and self-righteous. But Nan Yan, that stupid girl, just loved you wholeheartedly.

When talking about Nan Yan, Ji Yang felt heartbroken and his hands trembled slightly.

Yin Ya: It was not until I saw you do so much for her this time that I finally understood why she likes you. (bitter smile) Humans are so boring. They love and hate, but in the end it still ends in a sad ending. But no matter what, I can't help you deceive Nan Yan. You want to die for her, tell her yourself.

Ji Yang was in great pain. He slowly walked to Yin Ya and helped him up.

Ji Yang said in a sad tone: This matter is serious. If I don't do this, Nan Yan will die. God, I can't just watch her devoured in return...

Yin Ya broke down and interrupted: What do you want me to do? I can't watch her die, and I can't watch you die.

Ji Yang: I know it's hard for you to make this choice. But Nan Yan has suffered a lot when she was with me. I once thought about spending my whole life to repay her, but now it seems too late. I have no choice. (choked up) The one who fell into the abyss should have been me...

Yin Ya also shed tears.

Ji Yang took a deep breath, slowly calmed down his emotions, and looked at Yin Ya with a firm gaze.

Ji Yang: I know you and Nan Yan have a deep relationship. She once told me that she treats you as her own brother. Yin Ya, help me once, for the last time. Let's protect Nan Yan together.

Ji Yang took a half step back and lowered his head: Please...I beg you.

Yin Ya was in pain and powerless and could no longer refuse.

Thank you! Anyway could you please attach the last ep script here? Cuz it'll be lost in comment area once comments flooded in. 


Thank you! Anyway could you please attach the last ep script here? Cuz it'll be lost in comment area once comments flooded in. 

I put it in a new topic.

So they did cut the scenes of battle between JY & YY aVs Sen Luo. I thought they would show it as a flashback it went under the rugs.

I got so confused watching that episode, because I paused, did something and came back, I wondered if I skipped a whole scene. The fact that they didn't actually make any attempt to show the scene when it's so important is crazy, only through Sen Luo's voiceover. Even having Ji Yang meditate while flashing back to the characters voicing over the scene could have been better, but they didn't execute it very well.


I got so confused watching that episode, because I paused, did something and came back, I wondered if I skipped a whole scene. The fact that they didn't actually make any attempt to show the scene when it's so important is crazy, only through Sen Luo's voiceover. Even having Ji Yang meditate while flashing back to the characters voicing over the scene could have been better, but they didn't execute it very well.

Not enough money for the fx :/


Not enough money for the fx :/

unfortunately amazing dramas like this don't have enough budget... it's still good. thanks for adding this scene in the discussion, it makes the story clearer.


Not enough money for the fx :/

Wt ya posted in the comments regarding ending fight scene omitted ya should post that here too also that easter egg one too 


Wt ya posted in the comments regarding ending fight scene omitted ya should post that here too also that easter egg one too 

It’s in the other thread I made. I’ll make another one for the Easter eggs extra.