I'm German, too. I don't know where you live and how you were raised, but I don't go around constantly bragging about me being German and using that as a weapon to silence everyone around me when they want to watch a fictional love story that takes place during the Holocaust. You think that everyone else is so insensitive and ignorant because they don't pay the utmost respect to what happened in our history.
But you forget that you are the only one who seems insensitive and ignorant in the eyes of everyone by taking something not that serious and making it all about your moral high ground. Please realize it, you don't have the high ground, especially not when it comes to morals. Because people with morals don't brag about it.
Ok, now I understand your nick... have you read my comments at all? I just made comments on insensitive and ignorant to dumb comments like, SKns behave like toddlers because they feel agitated by the show and protest it.
Threatening??? Honestly??? No further comment....
I am not bragging about my morals at all.
Wow what have you read? I guess not my comments.