If I may... three thoughts i've had while continue to use this excellent site!

a) Anywhere that a drama is shown whether as a thumbnail or a title, an icon that says what of my watch lists it's in or if it's not in any.  There's a kinda hint towards this with the "plus" and "pen" buttons next to a title, but I felt it would be great if the pen was further subdivided into "completed", "plan to watch", "watching", "dropped" etc so that looking down a list I can quickly see if it's on my lists already and where.  Currently the pen just tells me it's "somewhere".

b) In the My Watchlist screen, one thing I often want to know particularly when talking to friends about dramas i've watched is - what did I finish most recently, or over the last week, "since we last talked".  It would be great if it was possible to sort the watch lists via various criteria, specifically the completed watch list, by the time that you marked it completed (in date-descending order).  That would instantly answer that question.

c) I try to review everything I watch, but there are early dramas I haven't done that on or newer ones i've forgotten too as I continue the maelstrom of watching the next one, or the latest episode of an ongoing one - would be great if there was a tick box that said if you'd added a review to the drama yet or not.

Thanks for all your hard work running the site, above are minor requests - the site exceeds expectations in every way!



Thanks, Matt for the support and suggestions.

'B' was the suggestion I was looking for!

The ways we can sort our watchlist are very convenient. 

And I  thought that it would be amazing if we could also sort it by the start date or finish date that we can set.

The other suggestions are good as well.

I'm voting for this.

I'm also voting for 'B'!  :) 

I agree with B!

Kind of related would be if there was a way to 'rank' our Plan to Watch list.