Currently, when you are doing a search and tick several genres, it does a logical AND.  That means it displays only drama/movies featuring ALL chosen genre/tags. 

So, for example, if I tick "Romance" and "Comedy", it will shows all romance which are comedy. too.

It would be nice to add an option to do a logical OR instead. That is displaying shows featuring ANY chosen genre/tags.  Queries like this:  (Thriller OR Mystery OR Suspense). 

The result would display all drama which features at least one of the ticked tags, but not necessarily all at the same time. 


I agree. I think all the other search categories use logical OR, but I haven't tested them. I am unsure if Themes/Tags uses logical OR or not.

Regardless of preference, I think this suggestion makes sense due to the simple fact that there should be no more than four genres per title, so being able to select five or more genres in a search will (or should) always yield no results.

In the meantime, the option to exclude genres is quite useful, and I have used it a few times.

Most websites only let you do an AND search, but Glitchwave (a video game website) lets you choose. It's an OR search by default, but if you click "all" then it does an AND search.