This topic keeps resurfacing in the comment section.

I like to keep a discussion here so new people can see it.

People, they did recognize LLH. But since they believe LXY is dead and LLH is doing all he can to stay "dead". They try their best to test him, to get him off guard, to catch his lies. But we have a master liar here. 

His sect believed LXY was dead because, to them, they see no reason for LXY not to return to the sect. We know LXY did and seeing how they react and from the guilt from causing people suffering and sect members death, he decided to stay dead.

They tested him to see whether LLH was LXY because he looked just like their dead leader. Again, they did recognize him. But on the other hand, we have LLH doing his best to fool them that he is dead.

Once LLH fooled them, to the sect people, LLH was just a man who eerily looked so much like their dead leader.

LLH fooled them at the beginning, but they did recognize him in the end. His small habits blew his cover.

DFS recognized his enemy right away, the same as LLH recognized DFS even when he disguised himself as a kid. But to those two, the world's recognition meant nothing. DFS just wants to fight LXY, and LLH wants DFS to tell him about his brother's burial.

In episode 3, the monk who treated LLH with "golden needles" said the treatment could only recover a tenth of his "inner skills"/martial arts skills and would change his appearance making others unable to recognize him. 


In episode 3, the monk who treated LLH with "golden needles" said the treatment could only recover a tenth of his "inner skills"/martial arts skills and would change his appearance making others unable to recognize him. 

Yes. But in the drama, LXY and LLH is being played by the same person. With no ageing added to change his appearance.  That's why many asked why no one recognises him. While in fact they did.  

MLC relies on logical deduction to solve the mysteries, hence some expect the biggest mystery should be why no one recognises LXY.


Yes. But in the drama, LXY and LLH is being played by the same person. With no ageing added to change his appearance.  That's why many asked why no one recognises him. While in fact they did.  

MLC relies on logical deduction to solve the mysteries, hence some expect the biggest mystery should be why no one recognises LXY.

I'm not sure if I understood you right, but from what I understood, I don't quite agree. Of course we're going to see the same face as LXY for LLH. In one of the episodes where LLH met FDB's aunt for the first time, she said LLH didn't look as good as she thought. I forgot when, but it was said LXY was really good looking, so LXY's face and the face FDB's aunt saw should not be the same. Most people from Jin Yuan meng recognized LLH  by the "skills" LLH used, but it belongs to LXY. That's was how DFS, JLQ, and the fake monk who had a twin brother, found out. ZYF saw LXY as a really good friend, so when he saw LLH for the first time, he knew who he was. LLH's master's wife found out by his voice, and the bad guy from the first case found out by the three dots on his ear, which correlates to BCZD. There's a whole picture of LXY at FDB's house, so FDB knows what LXY looks like. How come FDB never recognized him?  Btw the only thing the Si Gu sect did to test if LLH was LXY was making LLH drink a peanut porridge bc LXY was allergic to peanuts. But due to the poison, LLH is immune to all poison, as well as allergies. They just assumed LLH wasn't LXY because LLH didn't have an allergic reaction to peanuts, they never bothered to try harder. Si Gu sect knew LXY better than Jin Yuan meng, so if they really wanted to find LXY, they would've found out in no time. 

The voice actor is also different that they have for the younger LXY, so he sounds different. I thought that was a nice touch :)

He subtly looks different and his mannerisms/posture and way of speaking are different. LLH listens more and is quiet preferring to be an observer. LXY was boisterous liking to be the center of it all. LXY laughed a lot and was forceful in his actions. LLH is more reserved and careful, hiding behind a mask (quite literally in some episodes).  He is so different 10 years later that even DFS tells him so multiple times when they speak. I think the point is that he doesn't LOOK completely different, but he looks different enough like the Monk said.  It is the combination of voice change, aging, demeanor, and how he thinks now. It is all ENOUGH to make people doubt that he is really LXY, not to mention noone recognized him outright. Not even DFS.   DFS was only sure it was him after LXY did his whirling steps skill after the entire tomb drama.  He may have suspected earlier like when he tossed that knife past him as a test at the table when he looked like a kid, but LLH didn't react like LXY would. Likewise, LLH's ex only got sus after some little mannerisms such as tapping of the spoon similar to tapping of his sword, but even then she wasn't sure until the poison miraculously was cured. The others at the sword revealing ceremony were oblivious.... only sus for maybe a glimpse of a  smile or a gesture that triggered memory.  LLH did not behave like LXY. I really like the scene in the mine where LLH was trying to rescue FDB from the twins; LLH changed his demeaner/posture and even spoke as if he were LXY, bluffing his ass off.  I found it funny that LXY was really just LLH pretending to be LXY. He really *is* LLH (not LXY anymore).

But I also think it may be a little self delusion on the part of all the people who used to know LXY in the past. They didn't WANT LLH to really be LXY because then they'd have to face the reality of WHY he didn't come back (meaning they would question if it was their fault).  Wasn't he being dead easier than facing their own guilt/mistakes/insufficiciency? They seemed more than happy to grasp onto LLH's lies (even the obvious silly he had a twin) and to 'play along' with the story that he is someone else. Noone likes to be wrong or to face someone they feel they wronged.....guilt (or even jealousy) can make us behave in weird stupid ways.  LLH was only trying to fullfill their desire for him to indeed be dead.

I was wondering this too. On Episode 16, Shi Shui (lady in purple), clearly saw LLH without his mask. Why didn't she recognize him?!

And the biggest thing I think is to point out the obvious:  IT IS 10 YEAR LATER IN A WORLD WITH NO PHOTOGRAPHY!  Our memories are faulty and this is a world with no social media with no pictures to go through at their fingertips.  Think about it:  You have no images of someone who has been dead for 10 years. How often do you think of the dead when you are living your own life? How much can you trust your memory of them?

Actually, they all knew. They just didnt want to admit hes XiangYi. Bc they all hate XiangYi. They are the least that want him back. Why do you think they immediately jumping to conclusions that he died without even trying to find him? Actually, Li LianHua waited by the sea for a long time but no one came to find him. SiGu Sect want him dead. Bc XiangYi is too strong, too bright and shining that he blocked their path. They are jealous of him

Fun fact, in the novel, LLH apparently looks exactly the same as before and wears no mask, but SiGu Sect just didnt recognize him. It rlly just goes to say, SiGu Sect wish him gone