
Oh mierda, eso es demasiado... pero como he visto a gente que se ha peleado contigo creo que simplemente porque los bloqueas no les importa hasta dónde podrían haber llegado contigo. Porque en su pensamiento es como 'te lo mereces'.

 En realidad ya sé quién pudo haber filtrado tu correo electrónico. No lo diré aquí, pero te enviaré un mensaje privado para que tengas cuidado con esta persona, aunque tenga acceso a nuestros correos electrónicos.

Given the situation she told, and it is true since I have contacted her and she has sent me screenshots of the emails that threaten her with death, in this situation I do not care if you agree with her or not, or if you had a fight with her or not.

 Leaking user data is a crime punishable by law in any country. And it is something that can also happen to you. And the situation is severely serious.

 Since I and other users cannot see another user's personal data, because it is part of our privacy, how is it possible that a user has had access to your email? I sincerely hope for a response from an administrator.

Since this is a crime and these things should not be allowed here. As I said, the discussions you have had with her take a backseat to this situation. Since it is a serious enough situation to get into an argument between users at this time.

 Since all users are in danger of these things happening to us. It is one thing to disagree and have an argument, another thing is to obtain a user's personal data and threaten to kill them or mess with a user's family.

If you don't like what a user says, simply report and block. You don't need to go to these disgusting extremes that are clearly a crime.