Here's a list of Bgm used in Triage! 

Spotify Playlist 

List of the ones not available on Spotify playlist 


Beyond Rivers and Dust

 Fool Me Twice

Finding Truth - Sleeping Vines.

Forever On My Mind - David Celeste.

Revolving Structures - Cobby Costa.


Triage ost

I'll update it once I find more... I still can't find the opening Intro and the one used during serious scene ... Hit me up if you got links for them

Wow, I've been searching for this.... Thank you so much??


Wow, I've been searching for this.... Thank you so much??

You're welcome. It's not the complete list . Will keep updating as I find more

Wow, thank you! This is really nice!  <3 

Just wondering, did you find the  instrumental  from (example) ep 4, where Tin was waiting for the autopsy results and Tol appeared?   I guess this is the instrumental mentioned above from the serious scenes?

do you which one is used as the background for the final scene? the novel translation