The first time I watched it I could not conceive of how they would get those 2 boys together.   I mean, they seemed so distant from each other and it seemed impossible that Kiyoi could reciprocate Hira's love.  Like Hira, I assumed that Kiyoi's kiss on graduation day was a "mercy kiss."

I was on episode 4 and thinking, oh, ok, I guess the writers are gonna hook up Hira with the new boy Koyoma. Then we got Kiyoi's pov in ep 5 and I was like, wow!  I then re-watched the whole show 2 more times that same week just to see the little signs of Kiyoi's love that I had heretofore missed.  

Oh I thought from the beginning Kiyoi was a tsundere (though male tsunderes are a rare breed X,D) but I thought in more of a "bully that actually wants him" way than "vulnerable boyo lashing out bc Problems" way, and yeah, I've rewatched it a dozen times now and there are so many subtle glances Kiyoi makes or curt ways of redirecting others from hurting Hira that suddenly speak volumes. Koyama's such a sweetheart... but he's just not /Kiyoi/. :,)

I think I missed a lot of hints on my first viewing because I am middle aged and was so far from the days of teenagers not saying what they mean.  The older we get, the more we learn to express ourselves openly.  But teenagers try so hard to hide themselves in order to look cool. And that was Kiyoi in a nutshell. On the 2nd viewing, it all seemed so obvious that I was actually counting how many damned hints Kiyoi gave  to Hira, but which Hira (and I) had missed. 

LOL. Well that's a new take. I'm not far behind you, but maybe some of it's cultural too, what with the tsundere trope. And I think the characters' youth does play into their more troubled sides. Those hints were done so well, they are subtle enough to miss on the first, even second viewing, but so profound on the latter ones.

My favourite might be in the cafe when Koyama steps up to Hira and Kiyoi's eyes flicker to him, and that one little look speaks volumes. 

That one. Amazing.

Yep, that was ep 4.   I saw that and thought, ah, ok, he wants Hira to be his own private slave boy and can't stand that Hira's moved on.  I thought Kiyoi needed a comeuppance after the way he treated Hira in high school, so I LOVED that he was jealous.  Indeed, I replayed this scene a half dozen times when it aired.  The way he darts his eyes! 

 Then, in the same ep, he revealed that he tried to call Hira but Hira changed his number.  That's when I thought, humm, this is getting interesting. Nevertheless, I hadn't realized that Kiyoi truly loved Hira deeply until ep 5.    In that ep we see this same scene with Kiyoi doing another great expression with his eyes when he thought he had won over Koyoma. Remember that "victory glance" Kiyoi gave Koyoma?  I replayed that a dozen times too!  lol.  That actor was so great at expressing emotion with his eyes. 

Yes! It was acted so well! The Hira changing his number reveal slayed me, poor Kiyoi getting ghosted for a year after thinking Hira was the one person who wasn't a fair-weather friend... they both suck. X,D They're beautiful. They should be together.

Yep, one of the oddest couples in literature is the stuttering, creepy introvert and the arrogant, beautiful class king -- yet they are somehow perfect together.  That novelist was so creative to come up with a couple like this.

Agreed. I wish they'd translate the whole series so I could throw my money at them and have it on my shelf. Bless the fan translators~

Yep, yep, and yep!  

Late in replying because of the time zone but as someone who graduated in the language field (Italian first language then English/French/some German and now Korean too ??‍♀️) and uses foreign languages for work on daily basis I feel to write here my 2 cents: first thing first a real BIG THANK YOU goes to both Lollipop and White Lotus. I read both translations and I love them. I think that’s great having two different points of view of the same source material, specially if the source language is an Asian one greatly relying on context ( learned that with Korean, sooooo different from Roman languages). So if Wattpad deletes them ? please ? let us know where to find them, don’t let your hard work disappear! I want to support you! Lastly … as an ex fansubber myself (when I was a student, before real life hit hard ?) I can tell that people subbing the same material was not an anomaly, the important thing was not copying each other ☺️. 


Don`t post the link.

The first CD that has the uncensored version  (basically the original japanese version) shouldn`t  be shared publicly.

I have taken the risk to share it privately, but normally the link shouldn`t ever be allowed to be shared outside of the community/website that can be found. The website where the CD can  be found has strict rules about this.

hi!! im not sure if this is still live- but I was wondering if I could have the links to the audio books too? I used the censored but I was hoping to re-read it with the uncensored if available. if not no worries!!

Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I sent you message about the link to the uncensored version of disc 2? I don’t know if you received it or not, I’m very new to this website and don’t really know how it works. Do you still have a link to the uncensored version? I would love to have it

Lollipop and White Lotus, thank you both of you for the new chapters this week! :) Happy New Year!


Lollipop and White Lotus, thank you both of you for the new chapters this week! :) Happy New Year!

Happy New Year ❤️❤️