To be fair, he regretted it very much, but the damage already been done. CSS is not the type of person easy to forgive, so LBY had a lot of kissing up to do.

Another reason that the author let the two of them take time to reconcile (es. on CSS's part) because CSS needed to find herself, her values, her most important things in life and learn how to love. She was already in love with LBY, but she herself did not understand love fully, only toward the end of the novel, she would fully understand her love for LBY when she realized she could sacrifice her life for him.

In the beginning, she always wanted to find her independence, a marriage where she could be herself, because she was always restricted and constrained to do what she wanted. Love did not seem that important to her, she just wanted mutual understanding and respect between her and her future husband.

 At the end though, she learned that being in love with LBY did not mean to lose herself, but also ready to sacrifice for the one you love, even at the expense of yourself. That is when she realized how important LBY was to her.

I really like how CSS took time to discover herself, instead of reconciling  with LBY right away. It makes the ending sweeter and more satisfying. That makes the story so unique and unlike others, since Love like the galaxy is not only the journey of CSS to find love and happiness, but it is also a journey of her finding herself.

It's my opinion after reading the novel, I really hope they will bring these nuances to the drama as well. They really bring the novel alive so far.


I've seen a few of the teasers from the drama and it looks like the bite mites are on their arms at LBY's aunties funeral. In the book they made the blood oath at the funeral so looks like the drama is keeping this scene unchanged. 

Same here, I've rewatched the whole thing so many times haha it helps me get through the Friday - Monday lull!

Thank you very much for your answer!

Does anyone know how LBY’s aunt dies? Is it from natural causes or murder?


Does anyone know how LBY’s aunt dies? Is it from natural causes or murder?

It's natural causes.

I know there's no space in the drama for it but if only there was time to include the scenes when Cheng Shao Gong (SS's twin brother) would follow LBY and SS around, sitting in their carriage and outside their tent to keep an eye on them. He was ordered by their mother to make sure LBY and SS didn't get up to anything 'indecent'. I thought these moments were absolutely hilarious. Totally not the most important thing to focus on but they're such endearing moments.

I really love the Cheng siblings and, especially SS and Shao Gong. 


I know there's no space in the drama for it but if only there was time to include the scenes when Cheng Shao Gong (SS's twin brother) would follow LBY and SS around, sitting in their carriage and outside their tent to keep an eye on them. He was ordered by their mother to make sure LBY and SS didn't get up to anything 'indecent'. I thought these moments were absolutely hilarious. Totally not the most important thing to focus on but they're such endearing moments.

I really love the Cheng siblings and, especially SS and Shao Gong. 

Reading sounds so hilarious! When was this following around suppose to happen?

After the empress passed away, CSS and CSG went to scatter the ash of the empress, they were attacked by Luo Jitong and LBY went to rescue CSS. 

After that, they camped together. CSS hadn't slept for a while trying to fend the attack and was exhausted. LBY guarded by her side and wanted to be alone with her, so he kicked CSG out of the tent.


Reading sounds so hilarious! When was this following around suppose to happen?

It was meant to happen when the Cheng Siblings along with Wan Qiqi went to look for Qiqi's father to prove his innocence. He was accused of defecting to the enemies, but the drama has switched Qiqi's father with the General Cheng so I don't think the whole Cheng Shao Gong spying thing is going to happen,, given that the entire Cheng family is in prison. It's a shame, it was so funny to read but I get it, there are far more important things to focus on. 

There's one scene with Cheng Shao Gong that I hope they'll keep. Throughout the book and the drama you can really feel the connection between the twins. Not sure if anyone has noticed, but as the older twin he's always asking about Niaoniao, how is she, is she ok etc so there's a few scenes that I hope they'll keep.

In the novel after SS heard LBY say to the empress that he gave up on SS for revenge, she came home and told her entire family what had happened. Immediately after this she got really ill and almost died. Cheng Shao Gong was always by her side, quietly watching over his sister. When LBY was on his way out of the capital, heading to the North West border, he stopped by a pavilion on the outskirts of the capital and was waiting to see whether Shao Shang would come and see him (his last bit of hope). Instead of SS, Shao Gong came instead and told LBY that his sister got really ill and almost died. Because she was so ill the family felt that there were some irreversible damage and that there's a chance she's lost half of her life because of it. Shao Gong said to LBY that SS lost half her life and it's likely that LBY has also lost half of his life after getting injured after the massacre, so for this reason they don't owe each other anything and from here on should go their seperate ways. Shao Gong then returned LBYs family token (the one he gave to her just before going to war). LBY then asked Shao Gong if SS has any messages for him. Shao Gong replied yes and said something along the lines of "there is no future for us". This is actually the exact same thing LBY said to SS towards the end of the massacre.

So so so heartbreaking. I don't know if the drama is going to keep this portion of the storyline intact so we'll just have to wait and see!

Oh wow, thanks so much! So heartbreaking ...

  • Thanks for sharing @tetothegremlin. Even if it doesn't get adapted in the drama, I can totally visualise the event. 

Oh wow, thanks so much! So heartbreaking ? 

You’re welcome. It sure is heartbreaking but I’m so happy that they get a happen ending.

  • Thanks for sharing @tetothegremlin. Even if it doesn't get adapted in the drama, I can totally visualise the event. 

You’re welcome!

I don't know if it's been said but what happened to the former crown prince? once he's been demoted, what will he become? has he left the palace? did he divorce the viper? did he appear after the 5 years?

Now i am just hoping they will shorten the bitter moments and make the remaining 7~8 epis the persuasion arc of general ling. Gosh my heart can't handle their sad moments!! Wish this drama would have some special epis 

He became a wang (Chinese title for royal family members). He left the palace to his own residence, he apparently also received his own fief but continued to stay in the capital. After divorcing the bitch (excuse my French), he was single, at least till the end of the novel. The emperor mentioned that despite everything his ex-wife had done, he might have some feelings for her, resulting in his reluctance to marry again. 

CSS proposed to him when the empress's health declined and wanted to see her married before her departure from the world. CSS saw marriage with him would allow her to be by the empress's side and would be advantageous to him as well. He was so shocked that he ended up falling down the stair and injured himself, then he stopped visiting the empress to avoid CSS.