
@Babyrosyzhao, thank you so much for the link. 

I have actually finished reading the novel in my language, which is a fan translation. While it is not a great translation due to the word choices of the translators, it is still a much better read than those are translated by MTL. I just wish that one day we will have a proper translation of the novel. I know many translator groups out there have been doing wonderful work with the projects of their choice. However, Love like the galaxy was written with complex style, infused with classic Chinese literature word choices and examples from the history, so I understand it will take a long time for the novel to be translated, should anyone pick it up.  There are already some excerpts of it being translated but not the whole novel.

My pleasure??


I have such mixed feelings about the upcoming episodes. I’ve read the book (twice!) so I know what happens but I go through the same emotional roller coaster every time I read it. The drama and the actors are amazing so the emotional ride watching the drama is even worse then the book haha. Part of me gets so excited waiting for each episode but now that we’re getting closer to the turning point, I mostly feel anxious and nervous and kind of dread watching the heartbreak! Arghh these upcoming episodes are going to be so hard. Today, tomorrow and next Tuesday will be rough parts. I can probably start my recovery from Wednesday onwards when things start to slowly get better haha. Oh man, I’m so obsessed with LLTG. 

Same I really don't want to say goodbye to this drama~~ it's the first time I'm so reluctant to end this drama?? Five years later, the love between the two will never be wiped out. I need a lot of tissues tom it must be a rough time??

Suddenly I started to looking forward to that scene of chasing my loves name, hugging, kissing, biting my arm... I don't know if this scene will appear....??


Don't worry we are on the same boat?

When Shaoshang asked the emperor to break off the marriage??Be it a blessing or lesson, these advance snippets can make or break?...either you get frustrated of these cliff hangers making the wait a burden and getting frustrated...or act as a pill of comfort knowing that though you see and dread what awful challenges the lead cp would face, you already knew that the torment wouldn't last long ?..and a silly smile is on your face knowing a happy ending is just looming around the corner ?...Even I am quite curious of those bite marks... What's the reason behind it?? I thought they're bite each other after LBY'S aunt death?? I guess I'm wrong 

It will get my answer soon from advance teasers again, lol!

I think the bite marks are a sort of forever promise between the 2 of them. When LBY's aunt passed away, LBY was at his darkest because he felt that he was the one truly alone now. CSS was the only light to him and he was desperate to get connected to her. The bite marks were his whimsical idea at that moment, like the blood oath between 2 lovers. 

In the novel, during the years of exile, he used to stroke the arm with the bite mark and the hand wrapped with the Shao Sheng string that CSS used on him to pull out the arrow when he missed her.

When he came back to the capital, he decided to  pursue her again. He discovered that CSS's bite mark had faded a lot because she used ointment on it to make it heal faster so that the mark would fade by the time she married Yuan Shen. He was so pissed off that he pinned her down and renewed the mark. Then CSS proceeded to beat him up. On the face, no less. 

This part made me laugh and want to cry at the same time. I hope they will keep some of it in the drama.

BTW, I heard with VVIP account, you can binge the remaining eps of LLTG tomorrow. Tencent's in a hurry to air Xiao Zhan new xianxia drama so they have pushed the broadcasting of LLTG faster (or so the rumours said).

@rabbitcasa are you sure??? I’ve got VIP and it’s only up to episode 46…..omg omg I need to look into this

if they will really air it in full tomorrow that would be awesome! 

so now we know for sure that episode 52 is first one happening after 5 years break...
and today was again an emotional rollercoaster... massacre is going to happen tomorrow - we will need tissues, a lot of them...

btw. they are doing a lot of shortcuts - drama would need 10 episodes more to add more details, but even though is worth every second of our time :)


@rabbitcasa are you sure??? I’ve got VIP and it’s only up to episode 46…..omg omg I need to look into this

have VIP too... it was first time when I bought Tencent one ;) just because of LLTG

I don’t think WeTV/ Tencent app has VVIP….I can’t find it. Maybe they’ll do it tomorrow….omg I hope so.

So SS added 1 to 1 and she is now 100% sure LBY is actually Huo Wushang - there is going to happen a lot in tomorrows episodes


if they will really air it in full tomorrow that would be awesome! 

so now we know for sure that episode 52 is first one happening after 5 years break...
and today was again an emotional rollercoaster... massacre is going to happen tomorrow - we will need tissues, a lot of them...

btw. they are doing a lot of shortcuts - drama would need 10 episodes more to add more details, but even though is worth every second of our time :)

Yeah I agree. I kind of feel like they need maybe 5 more episodes, so 61 episodes instead of 56. I feel like they’re going to have to cut a lot out to fit into the remaining episodes. It looks like 52 - 56, which is only 5 episodes, will need to cover off SS’s new engagement, HBY coming back, maybe LJT, him trying to win her back including that super emotional scene at the palace where he bites her arm again after hearing that it was fading, her leaving the capital, Wang Yanji and then happy ending. Omg that’s a lot. 

Either way I love this drama. We’ll see how the last episodes play out.


I don’t think WeTV/ Tencent app has VVIP….I can’t find it. Maybe they’ll do it tomorrow….omg I hope so.

they said it is the express package on WeTV for ep 49-56 from tmr. Apparently available for fasttrack.

WeTV already announced it all over their Twitter.

I guess probably ljt plot might me deleted and only wan yanji plot will be there. I don't see how they are gonna fit ljt here when only few episodes are left

I personally wish they wouldn't have cut lots of the scenes. Itis already a hit drama tbh, why rushing to end this to air a new one? :') I got alot of trauma from WRTW ending before as they really really did rush alot! Huuu... hope this drama won't repeat the same cycle again :') Or at least release uncut vers or sth, :') Cant get enough of LBY and  CSS. 


they said it is the express package on WeTV for ep 49-56 from tmr. Apparently available for fasttrack.

WeTV already announced it all over their Twitter.

where we can buy this express package? or its not available for online service?


I guess probably ljt plot might me deleted and only wan yanji plot will be there. I don't see how they are gonna fit ljt here when only few episodes are left

I am thinking the same, there is no air time to include LJT plot... they will barely touch 5 years break time and what is going to happen after. So I guess here is the moment when we can expect a lot of changes