This season is going to be set 100 years after Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro. It will star all the main characters from the first season. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵
- Also Known As: The Hero Yoshihiko and the Key of the Evil Spirit
- Screenwriter & Director: Fukuda Yuichi
- Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Cast & Credits
- Yamada TakayukiYoshihikoMain Role
- Kinami HarukaMurasakiMain Role
- Muro TsuyoshiMerebuMain Role
- Takuma ShinDanjoMain Role
- Sato JiroHotokeSupport Role
- Okamoto AzusaHisaSupport Role
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