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Literally the Best... WTH?
I started my SCOY journey a bit late because I, ignorantly, took some negative comments on here to heart. Which I should not have at all. If anyone wants to know the true and honest feelings of people who actually watched this series, You must check out Reddit, Tumblr and last but not least, Youtube comments under each episode.This series had literally everything that No other BL had or has and will ever have. I"ve watched so many BLs in the past couple of years but I have to say, this is by far my favorite BL as it is literally about everyday people that have never been represented well in other BL series. They were always made fun of or were put in the series for comic relief (i.e. LBC, 2gether and etc...) those side characters were given the chance to shine through this series and I am so glad it was made. The actors are crazy amazing. Each character has a place in my heart, I Literally LOVE each and everyone of them, I even like Prao and her gang. Lol.
The relationship between the couples are one of the healthiest and cutest I have ever come across. The way the Never hold grudges or if they did something wrong, they are ready to apologize and talk it out. No break ups in this series and that is another thing that makes this series different. If there is a misunderstanding, then it is literally covered by the next episode and not dragged out.
When it comes to friendships, well 3 equals 4 (Toh, Som, Daisy, Jao) are the epitome of the Best friendship Ever. They went through up and downs together, they supported, advised and helped eachother so much that I kept thinking, "why dont I have friends like that?" Nuea's friends also are wonderful (Sky, Tor, For, Kangkwan) ... and when the two friend groups came together, It was like fireworks. It just fit perfectly!
One last thing I want to point out, what Toh was doing is not Stalking, it was basically keeping things that shouldn't be kept like crab, the can from the trash and the tangerines. But other than that, Everything he did was out of love and not in anyway to hurt Nuea. Toh Never followed Nuea anywhere except School festivals. He never approached him or made Nuea afraid for his life, nor did he appear in front of him. on the contrary, Nuea was the one to reach out to Toh first through P'Thep, who asked him to go to Nuea's sister's birthday to take photos. Nuea figured out that Toh would never come to him on his own so he made the first contact.
If anyone wants to know what Stalking really looks like, watch Kong stalking Toh in ep. 12 and 13. I know most of us relate to at least one character in this series and that is one of the best things about it.
Thank you to all the actors, Producer, director, staff, and all the wonderful audience who understood what this show was really about.
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Must watch ep 1-5
New Ship ep. 1-5NottPan/ BillySeng we’re so amazing! I am in awe of this series and I can see why the series started with them! The series had so much stuff to unpack and it gives so much insight on the bts of the BL industry! The story started so strong and ended beautifully! Some characters intentions didn’t come to light until the end while others have been showing us their true colors since the beginning! I’ve become a fan of a few actors I didn’t know before this started 🥰 also the cameos in this series are unexpected and fun 😁
We will still see NottPan on the other 3 stories throughout the next 15 episodes so I’m sooo excited!
And this rating is effed up cuz ain’t NO way y’all are rating it this low! Smdh!
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