i need more
Hey Strongberry, sit down here, let's have a friendly conversation. You guys will really make me fall in love with every movie that you guys do? mannnnnnnnnn we need a SERIES, this movie suits more like a first episode of a series. then you can explore a great relationship and fears, and maaaaaaaaaan you guys really have talent and make the Korean Bl's the greatest. I'm really sick of the Bl korean series having the same format and strongberry are out here to make everything different and unique. you guys for SURE have my support! the actors are so pretty and act so well, the soundtrack it's good too. I need more.Was this review helpful to you?

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This is a point of view of someone who doesn’t watch the anime.I think it’s such a good history and the actors are fantastic! The soundtrack was amazing, the end was a true freedom! Yes I know all the fans of the anime was mad about the hair, how the actors look, but let’s be honest ok? They are AMAZING! I’m watching the anime right now and they are so faithful, they really make a good work. When you make a panorama you can see how the series are damm good, please Japan make more live actions I NEED that.
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I NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, this short film deserves MORE attention, this is such a treasure. I think strongberry has a big potential series to produce with this, seriously. If someone from this company read this PLEASE do a big series, with a big time of episodes, to develop the story, show more of the Korean culture, food, people, make a Korean dear John, idk, make something big and good like this short film. The actors are very talented, the story is good and makes me curious and makes me want more. The soundtrack is good too. please give fujoshis a good show we deserve after a lot of shorts films and medium dramas.Was this review helpful to you?

If you are sensitive don't watch, this is heavy.
A mix of feelings and thoughts passing through our mind everyday, i mean if you are off this community. I think this movie is the real point of view of a lot of our lives, It's a film that needs a warning because it deals with a lot of senstives things. The actors are great , the soundtrack good too, the story It's sensitive, they are all good because it reflects with perfection what real young couples are going through in real life. Don't watch if you are passing by a hard moment. It's a beautiful sad history.Was this review helpful to you?

pointless, disinteresting, not funny, not good show
I feel that I lost so much time in my life watching this. The story It's the most AWFUL in the whole world, man I can point out a lot of bad things in this series. This story has such BAD points, The secondary couple is a gem, good, they deserve more. But let's start with the character ''Fiat'' how can this be a good mirror of a person? man, this character It's a complete trash, the actor who plays him in the series is a good actor because this guy makes me the most person not interested in this series. Leo, It's good, the actor is good too, but this is pointless, disinteresting, not funny, not a good show, you can watch the whole series skiping there's not ''important'', the plot is bad. I'm generous to give 3 stars.Was this review helpful to you?

Só no sapatinho
mais um clássico da Coreia, tô feliz porque eles estão produzindo cada vez mais e eu espero só que os próximos dramas venham com historias melhores trabalhadas, com mais tempo de episodio, até os merchandisings que eles colocaram no drama se tornaram interessantes, e foi justamente pela forma como eles fizeram.A historia é muito boa, eu sinto que poderia ter sido melhor trabalhada em alguns pontos mas no geral é muito boa mesmo, a atuação é ótima também, os atores são maravilhosos espero ver eles mais no ramo yaoi, a produção e os efeitos visuais foram bons só realmente precisava que eles não encurtassem a historia, apesar de ser satisfatória e boa de se assistir. com um pouco mais de esforço da direção e produção com certeza eles deixariam grandes produções no chinelo, mas eles levaram tudo só no sapatinho e foi muito bom. A ost é muito boa também. Em um total é um drama muito bom eu com certeza irei assistir mais vezes e indicar aos meus amigos.
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After these episodes I became very attached to Sun and Sky, I really like the story and wait for more, even with this solid end. I hope in future see more of this 4 guys (i mean the second couple were also very good), was it a story inspired by where your eyes are linger? a rewrite? I don't know, but anyway, the similarities were really good, it was a really well executed idea, the actors acted really well, the ost wasn't memorable, but in total I would definitely watch it again. The two couples have a good chemistry, but something was missing...... something was missing to be a remarkable series, something was missing to be a series that would instigate, something was really missing...... but it is a good series.
Depois desses episódios eu fiquei muito apegado ao Sun e ao Sky, eu realmente gostei da historia e espero por mais, mesmo com esse final solido eu espero ver mais dos 4 (eu quero dizer o casal secundário também foram muito bons), foi uma historia inspirada em where your eyes are linger? uma regravação? Eu não sei, mas enfim, as semelhanças foram muito boas, foi uma ideia muito bem executada, os atores atuaram muito bem, a ost não foi memorável, mas no total eu com certeza assistiria outra vez. Os dois casais tem uma boa quimica, mas faltou algo....... faltou algo para ser uma serie marcante, faltou algo para ser uma serie que instigasse, faltou realmente algo..... mas é uma boa serie.
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This review was written in English and Portuguese, please read it well.Essa critica foi escrita em Inglês e em Português, leia direito.
I feel like my fridays we'll be empty right now. This drama really fills me up every single week. I start to cry watching this last episode because this is one of the best series i ever watch in my life. This is so healthy, so realistic, so well thought out and written, and of course played. I feel so good watching these two together. As always Ohm and Nanon play these roles like they are real life, they are extremely good, they are great actors. The ost (soundtrack) was amazing, Nanon's voice is gold. The whole story was good, I feel like their parents in the end were good. Their friends and Pa shine so much, I can talk about them for hours, This series is balanced. Monumental.
A melhor serie de 2021 e 2022, e quem achar o contrario que m0rr4.
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one of the best of this year.
ooooh It's so delicate to talk about Kieta, let's start congratulating the productors and the directors because they follow the mangá and this is damn good. Second thing is how the Suzuki Jin acting is SO GOOD!!! He goes to Uenoyama to Aida who are personas completely different and he acts so good that you just realize if you look carefully. Ida and Aoki were made to stay together, POINT. The actors did a Pretty good job I'm in love, because at the first episode I was watching and thinking how far they can go without not touch the mangá, and they go to above the clooooooous, the ost was good too, and the principal point: How Fukumoto Riko (Hashimoto) looks so MUCH similar with Nako from Izone, like man?????????? they are literally the same person HAHAHAHA, kidding,This is for Sure one of the best Bls that i see this year.Was this review helpful to you?

This sitcom is AMAZING!
I don't describe it as a series, it's more like a sitcom! It's funny and cool. The actors are amazing, they do a pretty good job, I laughed from the beginning to the end. They know how to act well. I hope to see them again more and more, the story is fantastic. I really enjoyed it, it was super cute! and Chai Jidan again created something perfect, Jesus christ!!!!!!!!!! the world really owes her. in the middle of the medium bls from this year this sitcom is a true treasure. The soundtrack was funny, and makes me want to see more and more and more and more of them.Was this review helpful to you?

i cry a lot
I have never cried so hard in my life like I cried in this last episode. Man this is a true gem!!! It's a beautiful story with pretty good actors (but not the man of lbc, plssssS), and a good soundtrack. The world that they creat it's a wonderful world. It's sensitive, touching. spectacular, i don't even have words to describe and write a good review. If you haven't watched it yet, go watch, don't lose a second, the way that they treat their youth it's so beautiful, the soundtrack it's wonderful, like wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they sing I just stop to listen to the world around me. This series caught me in a way that i even can tell, the time that the series wanted to show with the colors, films it's like the 00's, i guess..... but i'm not sure. The second couple was so cute and niceeee, I'm looking forward to the movie. (Please don't let that guy from lbc again in the movie, he act is so BAD, he was the reason that I dont give 10)Was this review helpful to you?

Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko
6 people found this review helpful
pode ser considerada uma sátira?
O que eu mais gosto em dramas japoneses é quando eles satirizam algo, não da pra negar que é muito raro algum bl japonês ser meia boca ou ruim ne? Esse drama em especial é incrível!! A historia é muito boa e cativante, a vibe é um pouco parecida com a de Ossan's love, porém nada que seja muito parecido, eles pensaram muito bem quando criaram esse mundo, não tem pontas soltas (como erros de filmagens, erros na atuação, momentos vagos) o que é incrível, porém é algo que da pra reconhecer nas series japonesas e isso me deixa muito feliz, o empenho e esforço que eles colocam nas series BL é algo a ser muito reconhecido. Não sei se a serie pode ser considerada uma sátira mas é muito divertida de se assistir, a ost é maravilhosa, todas as musicas são boas e até as engraçadas. Os atores atuaram muito bem! todos! principalmente o support role e os figurantes o que se é raro de ver, o único defeito é ter sido tão curta, o plot foi muito bom, fico muito feliz em ver o Goto Yutaro atuando e atuando muito bem em outro drama, espero com muita ansiedade pela próxima season.Was this review helpful to you?

Original visual
Entregou MUITO, no quesito atuação, historia, química, drama, clichê e nem da pra perceber que esse uke já está beirando os 30 anos ne? HAHAHAH original visual mesmo!!! é um drama curto e bem aconchegante, de cara já é esperado um sofrimento pelo uke porque no começo é um pouco difícil de desassociar de en of love mas a historia é diferente e bem enxuta e deixou um gosto de quero mais enorme, a atuação está EXCELENTE! incrível que eles conseguiram fazer essa primeira parte da historia tão bem com leveza mas sem muita infantilidade. Espero pela próxima temporada com muita ansiedade e indicarei pra todos que conheço!!!Was this review helpful to you?

cume for the playback
Como explicar uma historia tão boa? Só assistindo pra de fato saber. O quão essa historia é maravilhosa e como o começo e o final é extremamente COMPLETOS. Quando assisti spring life eu realmente tive medo. Tive medo que acabasse do jeito que a historia estava indo. Eu até aceitaria, esse tempo com eles me fizeram aceitar bem o jeito como eles tratam as coisas. Porém a forma como acabou foi tão incrível que preencheu tudo. Tudo. Pornographer foi uma grande obra, tanto o drama como a historia escrita. Uma atuação impecável eles conseguem mesmo com cenas sem nudez uma cena tão erótica e tão real. Uma historia que te prende do começo ao fim, com certeza vale a pena voltar e assistir outras vezes.PS: O sorriso do rio é um dos mais lindos desse mundo.
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