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Sisyphus: The Myth korean drama review
Sisyphus: The Myth
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 8, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

It's been a while since I last finished and watched a drama so I'll try to keep it simple

Is Sisyphus: The Myth a good drama? Frankly, yes.

Is it totally mind-blowing and perfect with little to no plot holes? Nothing too impressive about the drama, but still was an enjoyable one.

Things that will make you watch this drama and finish it without dropping:
-the characters and the cast are amazing <3
-this drama is the type that will make you curious about the ending. for me at least, I was never really sure what was gonna happen next.

Overall, this is a good but a tad bit confusing drama. I've said it a few times in my different reviews, but whenever you watch a drama about time travel, you should keep an open mind. Since time travel doesn't exist -- at least for now -- there aren't really rules to it that are perfectly acceptable to everyone. Don't try to think too much about why 'this' and 'that' shouldn't work, instead think about why 'this' and 'that' work particularly in this drama. Just learn to go along the flow of the drama then I can guarantee you that you'll somewhat enjoy Sisyphus: The Myth. Enjoy!
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