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Venus in the Sky thai drama review
Dropped 4/10
Venus in the Sky
8 people found this review helpful
by MinJossy
Oct 7, 2023
4 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

This show is so cringy and bad! Couldn't even get passed ep 4

I really tried my hardest and I rarely drop series cuz I want to give it a chance but the acting/script that was given to them was completely garbage. It was extremely hard to get through that I kept skipping scenes to the point that I wasn't even watching the show anymore. I don't recommend it to anyone unless you are desperate and even then don't waste your time. The doctor stalks his ex after they broke up and continues to annoy the other ml to get back with him once he finds out his ex works at this convenience store that is near his job. He makes his job difficult to be at until he gets his way, before I dropped the show it looked like the ml who works at the convenience store was starting to let him back into his life but mostly cuz the doctor is a childish annoying whinny baby threatened him that he will come to his job every single day until he started to talk to him again I think. I don't remember cuz I forgot this show existed cuz of how bad this is and started to watch better written and have better actors. I tried to watch it after the break I took and couldn't tolerate how annoying a childish the doctor was to get his ex back talking in baby.
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