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Hua Jai Look Poochai thai drama review
Dropped 4/15
Hua Jai Look Poochai
0 people found this review helpful
by 8392225
Sep 18, 2021
4 of 15 episodes seen
Overall 4.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
This lakorn's couple is Nao Tisanart & Kem Hussawi. What do these two have in common? For me, it's that I only watched one lakorn with them, yet... And I DROPPED that lakorn. So, no good memories of either of them. With her, even a child was better actress, while with him... I honestly never wished to see him in the lead, again. Oh, well. Sometimes lakorn is good even though the cast is bad.

This is Channel 7, it has 15 episodes though and not 30. Very good, then. First episode didn't get much of my interest. Nao Tisanart is less baby doll here and has more expression than when I last saw her. Kem Hussawee though, seems the same. Not my type of a pra'ek. During first episode, only thing nang'ek tries to do is get rid of him and I could relate:)

There seem to be an excess of action scenes and gunfight which doesn't interest me to see in lakorns and doesn't go along with the type of a guy who has face like Kem Hussawi.

Overall, this didn't catch my interest.
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