Greater than a 10! Kudos!
This is an exceptional and phenomenal series that is not only riveting, but thought provoking, sensitive, and portrays the life of someone on the Autistic Spectrum with precision. Having worked in this field for decades, I was impressed with its accuracy. The story telling is unique and beautifully told. The characters are so noteworthy but in every sense of the word, absolutely relatable. This is must-see viewing Each story can stand on its own yet they are all a part of an entire picture. The warmth and growth each character displays, albeit on their own individual terms, is a thing of beauty to watch. You honestly care about these individuals and you want them to be themselves and accept the faults and short-comings of each other. That really is their story. This series is a masterclass in showing what humans really are. Flawed. Imperfect. Weak. Yet, capable of caring and loving each other on so many different levels despite the shortcomings. Kudos for a near perfect series.
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