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My Boy thai drama review
My Boy
17 people found this review helpful
by Jux
Aug 9, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
This review may contain spoilers

Oh dear...*facepalm*

ENDING REVIEW after completing the season = There is just no way this could get a second season it really is too much of a colossal mess, those wasted hours of my life gone. So many missed opportunities with the plot and characters that I actually want to slap the director, editor and writers. Sometimes I wondered if it was just poorly subtitled or the script was just THAT bad and most of the time I felt insulted that they treated the audience like we were stupid. I honestly don't know what they were thinking. It will be the king of the Golden Raspberries (worst) of BL Thai series. A lesson on what NOT to do, to force every up and coming film maker to watch while tied to a chair would be a good use of its rewatch value. I know I'm being mean but I'm sorry it deserves it.

ORIGINAL REVIEW after watching the first 7 eps = I don't completely hate it as I'm still foolish enough to continue watching it. The very few things it does have going for it, is a strong soundtrack and the chemistry/acting of the two male lead actors Pakoo Athiwat as Nut and Tawan Kanachot Worachottrakul as Satha. Its not a particularly original story, another Thai school set melodrama because there aren't a hundred of those. Two guys meet in college and of course they clash at first. In this case the popular senior (Satha) is actually younger then the freshman (Nut). I'm guessing they will fall in love but I'm thinking Satha who has never had feelings for a guy before is going to turn his back on Nut, before 'seeing the light'. There is also an Ex boyfriend of Nut's who of course will probably be the catalyst that brings the two leads back together to wrap up the ending in a nice pretty bow. There are of course a side couple in Nut's two male friends who I'm guessing from the trailer will end up together, OMG I couldn't care less they are that annoying. I find myself cringing quite often through each episode between the horrible dialogue and the over use of cliches that make me want to facepalm so often it may leave actual bruises by the time I reach the end of the series. The worst is the absolute ridiculousness of having the side stories into the lives of the teachers who act more childish then the actual students, the editor definitely should have cut them out, I Fast Forward through this mind-numbing dullness because I feel embarrassed for these actors. I'm hanging in there but I don't have much hope for improvement. All I can say is if you are desperate for BL you will watch this for the 2 lead actors and hopefully skim through the rest. You have been warned.
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