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Akage Girl

Northern New England

Akage Girl

Northern New England
The School Nurse Files korean drama review
The School Nurse Files
2 people found this review helpful
by Akage Girl
Oct 9, 2020
6 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

Quirky but NO Kissing Scenes - Dang it

I love the idea of bad things being cute jelly like creatures rather than scary monsters. The School Nurse Files promised to be just that. Strangely enough, The School Nurse Files also managed to make jelly like creatures be very far away from cute and instead are gross and scary so it goes to show….a little production money spent on special effects is worth it……you can turn gummy bears into monsters.

Ahn Eun Young is a school nurse that has been able to see ghosts and jellies (manifested in weird colorful gelatinous-like creatures) all her life – especially since the death of her mother. She works at a very strange high school that appears to be overrun by these jellies and so she is never bored. She meets Hong In Pyo a Chinese teacher (teacher of Chinese not a character from China). He has an aura she is attracted too and the two pair up to fight the jellies….and a bad guy or two.

Nurse Ahn is a very well-done character. I actually feel sorry for her throughout the show because its as if she doesn’t want to have to see ghosts and jellies, she just does and feels compelled to rid the world of the bad creatures.
Hong In Pyo appears to like Nurse Ahn (although I never saw that she reciprocated – dang it). He also wants to help her make the school a more normal place.

The two seem to collect students along the way helping them. These students then are in on the secret that they are fighting the bad things. The high school students were actually quite interesting but with only 6 episodes, not too much story on them.

The music is considerably creepy which works well with the story, but I’m not interested in downloading a single song. Truthfully, the music just freaked me out…..very chilling.

I am not a horror-genre loving person and the jellies were just a bit to gross for my tastes (especially the character brought in to take care of the mites) but if you like horror or really strange creatures, this could be something to watch over and over. Me….not so much.

If there will be a season 2 (only 6 episodes in season 1), then I’d watch it, but only if they promised me a little heat between Nurse Ahn and Teacher Hong…..dang it. It’s a great horror k-drama, and it showed the realism of school life with just enough ick that made me grateful that I was no longer high school age. Give it a try if you like this kind of thing but don’t expect any kissing or declarations of affection….dang it.
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