
  • Last Online: 27 days ago
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Canada
  • Contribution Points: 844 LV6
  • Birthday: April 28
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  • Join Date: February 28, 2017

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My rating system:

I separate my ratings in two: 5 points for objective quality and 5 points for personal appreciation

10 = Perfect drama. Haven't found one yet. My 10/10 rating for DOTS is more symbolic than anything else.

9.5 = Masterpiece  

9 = Amazing  

8.5 = Very good

8 = Good

7.5 = Good, but...

7 = Okay

6.5 = Bad but could be worse

6 = The last passing grade. It's a bad grade. But it passes.

Anything lower than a 6 is different degrees of awful.


245d 18h 42m
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