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Kiseki: Dear to Me
13 people found this review helpful
Nov 30, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Far too many toxic elements in the story

Spoiler heavy. This could have been so much better. Cinematography and technical aspects were good. The mismatched friendship had promise at the beginning and could have been a good start but only to a completely different story. Ai Di's story could have been great if he'd been allowed to stay away and rebuild a better life.
Instead we start with someone barely above the legal age limit but very inexperienced in relationships and an older mafia underling (actors' age gap is 10 years and if the novel made the characters' less it wasn't mentioned in the series) who really should know better. He gives some token resistance on age - enough to show he understands that it is wrong - and then dives in. He doesn't even do that on the risks his criminal family will bring to the kid he repeatedly calls Kiddo.
Add in (fake) amnesia, (not fake) short term memory loss (which they keep saying is temporary but show no signs of that), time jump for prison cause the kid was coerced by the mafia to take the blame for a murder he didn't commit, another young man who gets free from the mafia but is carried back in literally kicking and screaming but it's all fantastic because the man who dicked him around for years finally decided to kiss him.
Seriously? All for an absolute kitchen sink mess of a plot which says EVERYTHING will be forgiven for a first love.
The fandom really will ignore any red flag situation or behaviour if there are cute boys kissing.

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The Lone Ume Tree
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 6, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Acceptance of difference and problems caused by those quick to judge

Cho-san has both learning disabilities and autism, needs his routines and works in a supported facility. He also has a great mum and difficult neighbours.

Every bit of this rings true with my experience working and volunteering with people with learning disabilities, including the complicated decisions aging parents make to ensure their sons and daughters are settled.

Please don't watch this to be heart-warmed. Please watch this to better understand a bit more of the extra difficulties so unnecessarily created by those who see difference and look for reasons to condemn.

(The tags currently include mental illness. There is no mental illness depicted in this film. The distress felt by Cho-san and some of the housemates when confronted by loud noises, angry neighbours or disruption to their routine is part of their learning disabilities, not mental illness. These are distinct things.)

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By the River
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2025
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Well worth seeking out

in 1998, mining waste contaminated with lead spilled into the Klity River in Kanchanaburi, western Thailand.

This documentary is about the consequences for the people of a rural village 15 years on from the contamination. They are Karen, an ethnic minority, and depend on the river for food, water and their livelihoods. The river is their only source of water. We see their lives, their children, their land. It's shown in a gentle, beautifully filmed slice of life manner which makes it quietly powerful.

There have been clean-up efforts but news reports indicate that the river is still contaminated.

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Mae Nak Phra Khanong
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 3, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

More tragic love story than horror

The first half focuses on village life, Nak and Mak meeting and their early married life. The second half is a mix of comedy-horror, supernatural and tragic love story. The copy I found to stream was (re)dubbed and included strange "space-age" sound effects and much later music.
The end, where they stopped speaking, I found more affecting. I'd very much like to see this with the original sound though that may no longer exist.
Overall though, it was worth watching as part of the history and glimpses into early Thai cinema and how, in 1959, they presented life in the previous century.

Having seen Nang Nak (1999) first made it easier for me, with only rudimentary Thai, to follow the story in this version of the legend. The auto-generated English subtitles sometimes clarified, sometimes confused.

This mix of original and redub makes it hard to choose ratings, so I just gave it 7's across the board. The music in the redub was inconsistent - some of it was traditional and effective, some of it western and out of place. Likewise, I'm inclined to rate the original acting higher, but the redubbed voices lower. I watched this out of interest in the different ways stories are told and this mixture has its own place in that.

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We Made a Beautiful Bouquet
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 10, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

If you only watch one het love story this year...

I'm careful in what I watch by way of het romance and initially We Made a Beautiful Bouquet wasn't high up my list for this year's JFF Online. A J-drama fan I follow on social media had seen it before and I liked what he wrote about it so I gave it a go.

It doesn't do the things I dislike about most het relationship story lines. The FL isn't cutesy or ditsy. Shared enthusiasms are central to the dynamic between the two characters and the framing is also balanced between their POVs. It's one of the most equal relationships I've seen. There's something else I want to compliment it on but that would be a spoiler.

All in all, it's an excellent film. Solid writing and acting so natural I managed to forget I was watching a film during some of it. Oh right, this isn't happening. If someone said, "I'm willing to watch one het love story this year" this is one of two I'd suggest.

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Lei & Mar
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A series worth of feelings

This is a gentle, beautiful story of two high school girls and their feelings for each other. The lead actresses co-wrote and directed it. They're a couple in real life and their connection as friends and life partners shines through. It was lovely to spend some time with these engaging and charismatic characters.

The writing on this is very clever. They were able to work a lot into the 38 minutes without it feeling rushed or incomplete. There's more of Mar & Lei's story to tell, but this was enough. Whether Ward and Klio return to these characters or start something new, I hope these talented writers/directors/actors have many more opportunities to share their vision and talent with us.

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Sayounara Konbanwa
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 28, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Gentle story of friendship and love

This wasn't anything fancy, just a simple and gentle story of friendship and love between a living person and a ghost. They told it very well. It has humour and genuinely touching, beautiful moments. The two leads were perfect for their roles.

It was filmed in Onomichi and the last half hour or so conveys a strong sense of place in its own quiet, gentle way.

I was fortunate enough to catch this via the JFF+ Independent Cinema 2023 festival. This ends 31st October so it will likely be over before any finds my comments. It's worth looking for elsewhere and I hope to be able to spend time with it again.

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Comrades: Almost a Love Story
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 23, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Deservedly well respected Hong Kong classic, with extra meaning for fans of Thai series

This is the film which means so much to Jim in Moonlight Chicken and by inference to screenwriter/director P'Aof. So not just a great recommendation for a beautiful film but also a way to more fully understand his character's inner life and the significance of the song he used for the opening theme.

Comrades doesn't disappoint. It's set in crowded urban environments but much of it is tightly focused, concentrating on two characters at a time. A conversation in a narrow hall at a party, in a car, the McDonald's queue. Its story isn't complex and, like Moonlight Chicken, has few events external to the key relationships. I first wrote that there's more pain in Comrades but that's not true. Moonlight surrounds all of its pain with so much love while Comrades is far lonelier. Its main characters become close because they're all they have in this city.

The film is calm, gentle, and quietly poignant. It takes its time and it's well worth some of ours.

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To Sir, with Love
2 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2024
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0


This is a story about women.

Parents having to deal with and overcome cultural homophobia is at its core, and there's a beautiful romance between men, but these complicated, determined women using whatever resources they can find to negotiate life within the constraints of cultural sexism carry the lakorn. Li is ferociously strong, Jia's knowledge of herbs is magic, Chan is whatever the moment needs, and sometimes that's a touch of comic relief, Bua's strength is in her gentleness, Pin is plucky and resourceful, Cai is always paying attention.

It's melodrama so everything is exaggerated. Settle into its rhythms, it's a wild ride and well worth it.

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My Fairy Ghost
2 people found this review helpful
Dec 11, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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I've seen this three times now. At 32 minutes, it's a beautiful pick-me-up for down days. Every time I see it, I find new interconnections in its meaning. The plot is simple enough but everything else intertwines.

This is a small gem with many facets. One of the characters, Kei, is a painter whose home is filled with "her" work (a commenter on youtube credits them to Takuya Sugiyama). They're dynamic and vibrant and make a great setting for this story about creativity, authenticity and belief in oneself. Their confidence is everywhere in the flat. Kei is likewise visually striking, beautiful, stylish and charismatic.

Riko, the other main character, is in contrast to all of this. She is shy, inexperienced and still struggling to find her voice as a writer and, in many ways, who she really is herself.

Together they tell a gentle love story between two women, emphasising how the support of another can help you find confidence in yourself. It's ultimately about taking risks, both in love and art. As befits a story about a visual artist, there's a beautiful, sensuous love scene too, one many directors could learn from.

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A Tale of Ylang Ylang
1 people found this review helpful
17 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

A tale of two halves

There aren't specific spoilers in this but it does talk about the entire lakorn in broad strokes. If you haven't started it or are in the early stages, keep watching and come back to this later if you want.

If you've gotten stuck half way through and are trying to make sense of your reactions, this should be safe enough to read. It was well worth finishing and a couple of days off before continuing helped. I ended up loving both halves for very different reasons.

The first eight episodes are my favourite of the Channel 3 lakorns I've seen. Full of tropes but underpinned by strong statements on sexism, prejudice (Chinese against Thai, Thai against Chinese), privilege and how these affect people's lives. Excellent pacing between the happy friends and tense families. The what is age anyway casting was a bit odd, but I'm used to that and Baifern especially has the playfulness to make it work. And Nine's Tian is so kind and caring you'd forgive everything, not that there's all that much to forgive.

One of the things I've learned from watching lakorns is that the most far-fetched plot will still work if there's internal consistency around key elements and if the core emotions ring true. Getting the "why they can't be together yet" right is crucial to this.

They didn't do this in the rather abrupt shift between the halves. There was some attempt to build in internal consistency leading up to it and a wee bit after, but the emotional truth was compromised. The earlier balance was also lost and the story became mired in stress and tension for a few episodes.

The second half though is more ambitious in scope and because of that at times more awkward. It is also deeper and richer. Looking back, I can see how the first half magnifies the emotions of the second and is necessary to the overall story. I have mixed feelings about the abruptness of the shift - if they had written in greater internal emotional consistency in the first half, the experience would have been different. Not necessarily less, but different. I'm not sure I want to give up those first eight episodes as they are. So I've come round to accepting the abrupt shift while still being critical of it.

In the end, through all its movements - young love, discrimination and prejudice, the damage wealth and privilege brought to a family, it's ultimately about the dignity and strength of women.

If you're not sure about continuing, in my opinion it's certainly worth the time.

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Mae Nak 3D
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 25, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

One for the collectors

This is in the vein of the 1959 Mae Nak Phra Khanong, with the first half of focusing on their life together before Mak leaves for war. It's light, almost frivolous and overtly romantic.

The latter half was clearly and understandably made for an audience who knows the story already and skims plot detail to centre its attention on the emotions. This made for some of the most emotionally effective scenes I've seen in a Mae/Nang Nak so far. I'll likely watch it again for that but may skip through some of the first half.

I didn't make proper review notes when I saw it (it wasn't in the database then) but my recollection is that the horror element was fairly minimal and brief but not absent. MDL's very broad use of "horror" as a genre doesn't work well with Thai movies and how they approach some of their ghost stories.

If you don't know the Mae/Nang Nak legend though, the best to start with is the 1999 Nang Nak.

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Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2024
2 of 2 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Props or people?

Others have explained the problems with this follow-up so I'm just sharing some ideas from a conversation with a friend about whether the director Golf sees characters as props or people. It was a useful question and came about because of two other series from Golf.

I didn't mind that the Our Skyy was primarily about Wat and the film competition. I would have been happy for two episodes of Ayan and Akk just living their best together life. Or maybe a bit of them figuring out their relationship and themselves post-high school. Something like Khan and Thua got. Why were the 2nd couple given something like plausible consistency with their main series characters and better writing than not-Akk and not-Ayan? Maybe they were just generic enough it was the easiest route?

Given the complete and utter lack of understanding of the main characters though plus the focus on the film maker plus the length of the director's cameo, I do wonder if this wasn't more about Golf than the characters. Maybe it's unfair but it's the only explanation I have for the result. Or maybe it's too generous and the explanation is more a lack of competence. First and Khaotung saved the main series through the emotional depth of their acting after all.

Meanwhile in this it's like First didn't bother with characterisation and just played it as a version of himself. I guess if all you're here for is actors snogging that will do you. But why not fanservice which respects the characters as well? It wouldn't be difficult to keep both types of fans happy.

In short, Khaotung and First made Ayan and Akk people and that's why The Eclipse works despite many moments of questionable writing and plot. Golf made Akk and Ayan into props and that's why the Our Skyy 2 is a self-serving disaster.

Ayan would NEVER do that to Akk. Any director or screenwriter who thinks he would failed to understand the character or how it would destroy Akk.

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Father of the Milky Way Railroad
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 7, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Cinematic poetry

This is both a family drama of changing times in early 20th century rural Japan and a beautiful, poetic melodrama depicting a romanticised and idealised version of the life of an idealistic young man who, after his death, became one of Japan's most loved poets and writers. It feels a very fitting tribute for Miyazawa Kenji.

So far in JFF Online I've seen three films which include arts and creativity - The Lines That Define Me (sumi-e ink painting), Single8 (1979-era amateur movie-making) and this one. In all of them, characteristics of the art form shape and inform the ways the stories are told. If Miyazawa Kenji had been a different writer, this would have been a different film.

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Dream a Little Dream
1 people found this review helpful
May 25, 2024
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

An ancient dance tradition, a gentle but determined child, and his family

Because there's no synopsis, I'll start with one.

A shy young boy, Orca, becomes interested in Khon traditional dance because of a school art project. His mum is raising him and his sister Fern on her own so money is tight. She also knows how difficult this style of dance is as her mother was a teacher and she has painful memories of that time. Orca is determined nonetheless.

The young actor who plays Orca is delightful. It's a sweet story about the value of traditions, love and family. As Orca learns about the dance, so do we.

Information about Khon dance, which dates to the 1500s if not earlier, via this link It is based on the Hindu Ramayana and its style of masked dance combined with music and narration.

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