
  • Last Online: 9 minutes ago
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA
  • Contribution Points: 611 LV5
  • Roles: VIP
  • Join Date: August 23, 2019
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award3 Coin Gift Award4

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Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA


Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA

Hello Fellow ADA!

Ok, so I REALLY need to update my profile,  but WAY too busy watching Chinese short series right now.  I'll get back to this later...LMAO.

 12/7/2024 @ 3:48 AM.  Still laughing...

 Thai Watch Challenge Badge 2021 by NoirLuna fka moonchild

Thai Watch Challenge Badge 2022 by Caspleo_svt


Hello Fellow Asian Drama Addicts (ADA)(or Lovers) as the case maybe!

First, thank you to all those wonderful people who have given their time and efforts to sub, time, sync, segment, encode, upload and whatever else is entailed to make Asian dramas/lakorns available for us ADA! You have helped enrich my world. Second, thank you to MDL for providing such an awesome platform for us ADA to research and share information. 

I've been collecting and watching Thai, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese dramas for about 13 years. I prefer to download instead of streaming mainly because I get too frustrated when my internet runs slow or goes down, lol! (Yes, I live in the boonies.)  I discovered Thai lakorns about four years ago and have been living there almost exclusively until this last year when C-dramas captured more of my attention. But, I started with Korean dramas before branching off into the others. 

I LOVE reading the comments other MDL'ers post. Y'all make me smile and laugh! Thanks!

I'm an introvert forced to be an extrovert, so it may take me some time before I finish adding things to this profile. But, I hope you enjoy my watercolour painting of the cat I have as my profile pic. I love doing watercolours, stained glass and costume design/sewing. I was addicted to reading, now it's Asian dramas.

The first thing I do when I receive a "friends request" is to check out that person's MDL profile page.  If you don't have a profile, I will send you a message. 

I've completed two years of the Thai Drama Club Challenge, 2021 and 2022. I'm almost finished with the 2023 one as well.  I've posted a link below if anyone wants to check it out and maybe  participate at some point.

Thai Watch Challenge 2023 #2452035 - Thai Dramas (Lakorns) & Movies - MyDramaList 

So, for now,

Yours in the Universal Language of Asian Dramas,


aka JustOneMoreEpisode :)


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