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Regretting My Life


Regretting My Life
Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata korean drama review
Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata
3 people found this review helpful
by WolfieGrrrl
Feb 13, 2023
2 of 2 episodes seen
Overall 4.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

An interesting concept that leaves much to be desired.

Sadly, the 9 minutes that are available on Youtube are the product of a small production with a shoestring budget, meaning the poster and the description set up higher expectations than what the company was capable of delivering. If this series had been slated for a longer run and been afforded the proper development, it could have been so good.

As it is, the strongest thing this miniseries has going for it is the cozy coffee shop witch aesthetic in the second episode. It establishes the potential for an engaging story about a queer and somewhat timid witch pining for the coworker who always looks out for her and I wish we had gotten two episodes of that instead of the rather confusingly executed "love spell" trope that makes the first episode look like the introduction to a porno. A lot of exposition is unnaturally dumped on the viewer more as an excuse than a proper part of the plot.

If magically-induced questionable consent doesn't make you too uncomfortable and you don't mind lowering your expectations for the messy story structure, you may get something out of this concept.
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