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Lost in the Cloud....


Lost in the Cloud....
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto japanese drama review
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto
0 people found this review helpful
by Giuca
Jun 22, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

Miss Kawai & Mr Prickly

To my great surprise, this drama manages to tread the fine line between cute and annoying, finding the perfect amount of sugar without it becoming diabetes inducing.

Well, I thought this was a fairly recent drama. I picked it up on the feeds and never really bothered to notice the year. I also think there is a drama with a similar poster actually released this year. Towards the end of the drama, I decided to look up the actors and while reading their bios, i realized that it was six years old.

(On the unrelated matter pertaining to the private: why is the main actress not working any more? Ever since she started dating & married one of the actors from this drama, she disappeared from the public view. I wonder why? It sounds odd!)

Back to the drama! The story is rather simple: a girl who makes cakes is offered a job in a restaurant run by three brothers. Initially she accepts it since she's had a crush on the eldest brother since forever but clashes from the first minute with the second brother. Basically it is enemies to lovers story.

The FL is a cute idiot on the surface, jumping around like a 3 yr old, squealing and generally behaving like a silly girl) but surprisingly has bouts of lucidity when her good sense and courage come out and she faces her problems directly. And though often she behaves as if she is completely unaware of other people's feelings (confiding in a brother who obviously likes her, that she has a crush on another brother - that seems very insensitive!) she is quick to mend the damages she causes! She is a perfect balance between cute and annoying, never too much of either which makes her highly likable and watchable! You just have to be brave and watch the first episode without dropping the drama. It is worth it.

The three brothers are clichés: the eldest is the responsible one, the middle a talented one and the youngest a rebellious one. In contact with the girl, they change. The responsible brother finds a bit of joie de vivre. The talented one loses some of his thorns and the rebellious one grows up.

The main couple spends a lot of time literally running from one place to another. Apparently there are no means of transportation in this town! LOL

There are some interesting side characters: the best friend who is always surrounded by crowds when she talks to FL (running gag!), the stunning ex and the weird gangster looking guy trying to buy (?) the restaurant. There are no negative characters: on the outside they might seem evil and bad but they are just life weary!

It is a very wholesome cute and kind drama, fluffy and easy to watch, full of tropes sprinkled judiciously throughout. But then they let all caution out the window and went for the most annoying tropes ever in the lest episode: noble idiocy and an airport reunion.

So if you are looking for some limited cute and a little annoying fluffy drama, look no more!

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