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Welcome to Samdal-ri korean drama review
Welcome to Samdal-ri
5 people found this review helpful
by GloriousInMelody
Jan 22, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Having a place to return to.

The ending lines of "Having a place to return to is an incredible feeling" resonates with me so much. Samdalri feels like a safe haven for not only our leads, especially Samdal. in more ways than one, it has become a place as such for me as well the last two months watching the drama

there's something incredibly healing about the show. the bonds and relationships, the companionship, the belonging to a community, your people your weather yiur place. there's nothing like home and there's nothing like having a place to return to, and people to support your dreams. yong pil goes further than just support samdal too there. but I loved how her comeback isn't just cause of him. she did cause she wanted to. love how yong pil was let her walk her way, but hung around to catch if and when she faltered. there's no pushing there, there's no imposing of his wishes her. letting her find herself was the best thing.

ep16 was everything.
My heart is so full. The bonds of family, friendship and community in this drama are just so precious. watching the last ep I felt like I was part of it all. ❤️

~As always, we're going for only as long as our breath allows without being greedy. And whenever we're out of breath, we'll come back to that place. Our small stream, Samdal-ri.

The OST is incredible. I'm so glad I discovered Cho Yong Pil through this. Short Hair has become an all time favourite song. The remastered versions are incredible. so is the Haenyeo song sung in Ep9. It's so hauntingly beautiful hasn't stopped ringing in my ears since I heard it.

though it had it's flaws early and meandering plotlines and maybe unnecessary air time given to certain plot lines which could have been better used somewhere else, the ending just makes up for it. that's one of the most beautiful, most satisfying heartfelt ending of a drama I have seen. my rating jumped from 8.5/9 to 9.5 and even a 10 just cuz of that episode. it's incredible.

and JCW standing in the snow smiling like that with that song in the background and there reunion? please. gorgeous. the power rangers are the best friend group ever and they deserved their second chances. second chances are indeed the underlying theme of the drama anyway.

a place to return to, and a second chance at making it right.

the acting is incredible. the casting is superb, no moment of over the top reactions, very subtle, very real very raw. the Haenyeo group reminds of the ladies in my town❤️ they are all precious.
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