The story wasnt really good. You could easily predict everything was going to happend. There was no deep plot. No real enemies. Even people were being mean at first had actually good inteions and turned to sweethearted friends. That really annoyed me. I just kept watching this drama, hoping for a big thing to happend, any dramatical or shocking moment...but nothing! I really feel like just wasted my time by watching it.
The Cast was okay. The only think annyoed me was this exaggerated acting, especially from the mother of the female lead. I really found her annyoing and was not convinced at all.
The music was the best thing about the drama. I really enjoyed hearing the songs while watching.
Rewatching Value
As this drama is not really an exiting one, I dont think it deserves being watched again.
I know this drama is mean to be funny and not really a serious one, but still I have to say I didnt really like it. It was pretty cheesy, everything happened was very predictable, there was no deepness at all. So I think this drama is actually overrated. I give it only 6/10
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