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The Double chinese drama review
The Double
1 people found this review helpful
by Monkimajik
Oct 7, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Almost there.

The Double is a pretty good drama. For the first 15 episodes I would have said that this show was on its way to being as good as Love Like the Galaxy.

But it's not quite good enough to fill that LLTG Hole.

The positive things I have to say are endless, because this is an example of when you can feel every ounce of effort that was crammed into this show. The cinematography was amazing, there are so many shots that are screen saver worthy. The consistent use of flowing fabrics, wind and flower petals made my eyes pop open on more than one occasion. The fight choreography was on point too, it's almost comparable with Blood of Youth and fighting is the whole point of that show. The music also slapped. Be it a bgm or the featured artists it was always a pleasure to listen to whatever was coming out of my speakers. I did add more tracks to my playlist, and that's always the mark of great music.

I have the highest praise for the actors, there's not a single person in this show who was not giving a stellar performance as well, the direction and cast's chemistry was great! I feel like there are so many scenes where I can't imagine another actor replacing any of our main characters. This along with the initial writing in the first quarter of the show made the story so compelling! Everything just made sense, and I really liked that.

On the other hand it's hard to overlook the flaws of this drama. I think it can be overly dramatic and prioritize visuals over telling it's story in a more useful way at times. I also think that the pacing of the show could have been better. The 1st through 15th episodes are clearly aware that this story has a time limit and all the events flow evenly… But once we pass that halfway mark the plots take forever to resolve and get more and more choppy. I especially despise the final episode which unnecessarily kills off some characters in the dumbest and most abrupt ways. I didn't care for the drawn out reunion that we don't even really get to see. It's gore and murder and then a flower field and the FL looks into the camera and this hefty 40 episode monstrosity ends… Just. like. that…

I felt that there were so many moments where I wanted something more, something deeper, something intricate to happen and for the writing to be just a little smarter in how all of these characters related to each other.

I didn't care for it…
but the beginning was amazing so I can't rate it that low. I'd recommend it! But this is not on Love Like the Galaxy or Love and Redemption's level. Those stories kept you hooked until the very end and had very satisfying endings that didn't need unneeded shock value for its finale.
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