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His Royal Highness Spoils Me chinese drama review
His Royal Highness Spoils Me
1 people found this review helpful
by MrsBean2u
Jan 18, 2023
34 of 34 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

Meh… not that great of drama lacked a lot!

It was not the best short drama. Worth at least one watch...maybe lol. I feel overall that this drama could have been better with a well written storyline and better cast, who can act. Sorry it lacked a lot. I think that is why it took me months to complete it. I just made it to episode 3 and could not take the emotionless acting and bad storyline. But I finally decided to finish it to get it out of my watchlist.

Storyline - needed a lot of work. I thought the story was a bit interesting but fell short because of time maybe (about 5 min episodes)? It could have been better. More explained in it to complete the story and it needed a better ending. It felt rushed due to the time.

Acting Cast - ahhh! I want to be nice but I can’t! I just can’t! I usually try not to be brutal to the actors but these guys just plain sucked. They lacked a lot. And I know it is not just the scripts fault, it is theirs. The emotion was not there and just all around lacked completely. They felt stiff in their acting like it was forced on them to do. It was painful to watch.

Rewatch - more than likely not. It was not a drama that really impressed me to watch it again.
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