The mine drama revolves around the murder of a man {Hanji young} and he's proved as major antagonist with a trail of lies and evil deeds behind the fake identity of being a good husband and responsible father. In High class drama we put up with similar situation but the only difference between them is the truth was revealed before death in Mine whereas , the wife explores the miser of truth after her husbands death in high class.
Both dramas spins around the supreme wealthy class with a mask of smiles burdened with endless sins and evil within.
Yet it isn't proved in High class though protagonist's husband had an affair and even in Mine the han ji young had secret affair.
Both dramas had sons with malicious father with a history of misdeeds behind them.
I hope the explanation may fulfil the requirment.
Both dramas spins around the supreme wealthy class with a mask of smiles burdened with endless sins and evil within.
Yet it isn't proved in High class though protagonist's husband had an affair and even in Mine the han ji young had secret affair.
Both dramas had sons with malicious father with a history of misdeeds behind them.
I hope the explanation may fulfil the requirment.