I enjoyed the story of this drama and the writing script as well. The acting was ok, i love Maki's character the most and she did great here in my opinion, however, i got annoy by Yamada's character, i don't see a point to have this character in the drama at all. I think the script could be better because i have seen a drama about pilot before i think it was better than this one, however this one still a decent one to watch. There are some annoying part in the drama but still the acting of Maki help a lot and Kikuda' s character also help as well.
Even though, people want to see some romance in this drama but i don't think this inspiring kind of drama need the romance side within, if they are trying to push it in i think, it will lose it charm so this is reasonable to ditch some romance scene in this drama.
The music was great, i love the ending theme, it suits the drama.
The rewatch rate is low because this drama is one of those inspiring drama, you get those feeling right after you finish the drama, so you might need a break for a while to rewatch this kind of drama once again the get the same feeling. However, i think for a while it could possibly be inspiring once again for those who still cannot find a goal in your life yet, this drama could give you a way to find it and fight for it otherwise your life is such a waste.
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The story and the script were great, i love how they tell the story here. Even though you aren't a fan of suspended and mystery please give this one a try, it's worth a watch. I'm a big fan of this type of drama and Mozu also added the dark tone into it which i love it as well, it's rare to see dark mood and tone in tv-drama these days, so this drama is really make my day.
The characters from the 3 main leads were great. The killer and also antagonist were great as well. I have to admitted that in some scnes i was bitting my teenth because i get too excited while i was watching. I think from episode 1-6 were the best part and then 9-10 were great as well. I don't feel like overdone anythingin this drama. The episode 7 and 8 are great too they need these to build up the tension of the drama. Hope you will enjoy this drama as the same way as i do.
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The story might build up slowly buy every detail worth mentioned, i think the scriptwriter of this drama did a great job on it, i got hooked in from 2nd episode, i feel like this drama has potential and it didn't make me regret at all.
This drama is so realistic, i think this fact really make me get hook in with the story easily since you can see those things happen in your daily life as well if you have a careful look around you. This drama cover pretty much everything that could happen to you if you live in this kind of society where people get hurt by society and people around you.
The male lead was brilliant, he is so realistic, even though he isn't someone you will see in you real life that easily because this kind of people will get forgotten and overlook from the center of society you live in.
I would recommend this drama to mystery drama fan and to those who aren't as well since this drama has a lot of drama and family issue related going on throughout the whole story.
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The story is nothing special it's a typical detective drama with episodic type but more on comedy detective, the case and story has nothing special but overall it suits the drama itself, they didn't overdo anything here, i didn't feel uncomfortable while i'm watching this series, i was having a bad week but this series make me forget all those problem in my head.
I like the casts of this series, they all worked well together, i don't have any characters that i dislike in this series, which i found it's hard for comedy genre i always hate it when they overdone something or some chracter that keep doing something unreasonable, always annoy me but in this drama, there was none that i found annoy in this drama.
I recommended to give this drama a try when you have nothing to watch or feel like you want something easy and have a smile on your face, give this drama a chance, you won't regret it.
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The theme and the plot is great as well, you won't see much similar theme with any other drama so far.
Even though you aren't a type who would like to watch comedy drama, i think you better give this one a chance, this show is different from other detective dramas i have seen so far. Apart from the beginning point of a crime scene and end up caught the bad guy, you will learn something about the weather and all those things from weather forecasting which i think it makes this drama different from another drama with the same genre.
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Another fact that i love about this drama is, it's very detailed and give the audiences for 2 episodes to solve the case. All of the cases here i would say brilliant job for all of them. The first one case gave me little bored but once they solve the case, it amazes me totally how they make the case to turn out very intertesting and cleverly i would say.
There are many twised within every case in this drama so, whoever love the twise in investigation drama please give this one a try, you would love it and you can ignore some chessy parts too because the case is very intense and the action of Ayano Go made this drama even more interesting when he has some doubt of the case and correct all the details together and solve it later on.
The story is brilliant and also the scriptwriter for this drama is great as well. The cinematography in this drama also just the way i like it to be little dark and little humor in some part. Mostly i would say dark but it was a easy dark atmosphere to watch so, i think anyone could watch this one easlily and enjoy all the cleverly cases.
Even though the rewatch value is low because it is the weakness of this genre once you know the answer, the second times to watch it might not be intense like the first time.
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Great actors and guest roles are great also the music from aiko never made me disappointed.
Will keep this short but hope anyone who read my comment will give this drama a chance and watch it through, something that can clear your head after tiring week from works.
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You could find everything from little bloody, mess up your mind, and in a way blow your mind too, also some sicked scene that you expected to see in this type of genre, this movie give you all of those feeling.
It might started out slow pace but once you realise, you will get hook in with this slow pace but building up some psychological emotion on you. Very clever story telling i would say.
The actiong was great for the female lead but i didn't like much about those kids who play in this movie, maybe they still yound but they have potential anyways.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who like thriller and psychological genre, which giving you something that will remind in your feeling deep down in your mind after finished watching it.
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Story is very romantic, even though it was about unhuman but i don't see the male lead as unhuman at all, i can related to him right away after i watched for 5 episodes, a guy with his personality actually has in our world, this was the part i like about this drama more than other k-drama that i found the male lead is always stupid at some point. But this one is one good example for a real world when you really fall in love with someone you are willing to do everything to the girl you like. When you don't say some words that doesn't mean you didn't feel it but it just the way it is for some certain people, i'm also one that kind too so i like this drama more because somehow it speaks out for me what i thought in my mind.
The cast was brilliant i have no negative point to point out here.
One of lovely and must watch k-drama. If some of J-drama fans get little bored please check this one out and you can always go back to watch your j-drama anytime, just to change your mood and setting a bit with k-drama wouldn't hurt.
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The story wise was geat even tho it's not the perfect mystery as i expected but it was good enough. This drama is something different from its genre and also stand out with a good setting and story teller even though it's a slow pace but it was suitable for this drama. Even though, its very slow and very detailed but its got my attention throughout every episode.
The acting is briilant, you can tell from the cast if you are j-drama fans i think you probably know all of the casts, they did a brilliant job as usual.
I have to point out about the setting, its was great, its adding more charm to this drama with the setting and the costumes were perfectly fit with the time period and setting. The music is also another point that make me love this drama, the jazz musical was perfectly fit with the drama.
I'm looking forward to more drama like this with a better mystery that keep me onmy seat until the end, i would say that this drama is almost there, it just need something little more excited scenes, well its just my personal taste. However, this drama will shine on you with the setting and the calm and cool pace that give to audiences throughout the whole show.
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I feel like the climax of this drama was little bit rush and lose my concentration, and gave me blank feeling about both lead character no more, i know they would have this kind of ending by watching it from beginning but they added some good distraction that keep audiences' attention to continue with the show, the acting is brilliant from every role i seen in this drama, however, they could have done better with building attention and better script and not rushing to the result that everyone already know about it. Sometime, the story could keep audiences' attention even though they know what will coming at the end but the feeling while you were watching kept you going with the show.
This show has a potential at the beginning, and then suddenly rush thing out at the end and end up like what everyone expected, which is ok about the ending since, it isn't mystery type of drama anyways, audiences expect a happy ending but my opinion, they could have done better, i have seen a show with similar plot but give me satisfaction with the ending, but this one couldn't deliver that feeling to me.
overall, this one wasn't a bad drama, but about the rewatching value i have nothing at all apart from the cast that interested me since beginning especially the lead female, i love her in every drama she's on.
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I know nothing about Korea history at all but i think, everyone could related with this drama at some point or with some characters here. I don’t see any useless or lame characters at all. They have their own roles in this drama which really give this drama a massive impact to my emotion.
Give it a try, i’m sure you will learn something that could apply with your life or what you see at the present. After finish this drama i feel like we are lucky enough that we live during this period of time. I think the world still rotten but at some point we can choose to walk away or leave at some point but back in the history i think i would probably do something just like those main lead characters done. I’m pretty sure it would be pretty tough for them but thank to them that create a world we live in today.
Give it a try and experience this drama by yourself, you won’t regret i could guarantee that.
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The story might have little twist from what i read in history book, but i guess this drama is based on the anime or manga if i'm not wrong. So i wasn't review this drama base on the history. The story was great with a good script and also the cast were all great in this drama. I would say whoever don't really like period drama please give this one a chance since it was really heartwarming for me and also keep my attention from beginning until the end. I'm looking forward to watch the movie or anything that they will make in the future since i never watch the animation version so, i will keep my curious about the end this way and wait for the movie coming out end of this year.
Moreover, the main lead is really leading this story, i don't feel anything like the writer is pushingin some unreasonable scenes in this drama. I would say they warp up the last episode a little to quick but i understand they have time limit with the air-time and everything so i accepted this slightly weakness to the story, but forgivable. I might read about Oda Nobunaga way too much that's why i spotted some mistake but well it was animationa adaption so, i think this is good enough for me to rate it 10.
I might need to rewatch this drama again before the movie coming out so i rated rewatch value a bit high but welll personally i think this drama deserve high rewatch value.
Best drama of its genre i seen in 2014. Brilliant job!
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The acting was really good, without any dissapointment from all the stars in this drama. I would say Shun did better though, he suits this character so much.
The music was good enough for me even thought i'm not a fan of Arashi but the emotional scene has a verynice BG music, i like the slow BG one better theme song.
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The plot is stand out itself from the start to the end, even people who don't like this typof genre still fine it enjoyable to watch because a good story teller they put in every episode.
The cast also did a grest job here. The story was great the casts was great and enjoyable and keep you excited in every episode.
Recommended whoever put this on the plan to watch list please find sometime to watch this drama, i don't think you will regret after watching this drama.
Only weak part would be rewatch valus since its a detective and mystery drama genre once you finish all episodes you already know the conclusion and the truth behind it, however, maybe for couple year if you cannot find any good drama with this genre you can always come back and watch it.
The best part would be the story of this drama, i think its a mangs but i never read it before so i have know idea about it before, i think the mangs artist also did a brilliant job here, as expected from 20th Century boy author who wrote Kurokouchi as well. Big thmub up for the author and the script writter for the drama.
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