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Royal Palace Cute Little Assassin chinese drama review
Royal Palace Cute Little Assassin
1 people found this review helpful
by PeeWee69
Dec 5, 2023
15 of 15 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Underrated small in-game mini-show

This is a sweet and cute mini show with an interesting storyline. A small gem in my opinion. Despite the short format, it doesn’t feel rushed.
Character wise:
FL is a sweet and cute young woman who falls into a game. There she takes the identity of a female assassin from an enemy state who comes to marry the Prince. But getting to know her target, make her change her mission.
ML is a Prince and the assasination-target, and marriage partner, of FL. As he gets to know FL he realizes that she is not the spy he thought.
Acting wise this is pretty good. The actors do a very good job within the limited timeframe.
Well, if you love a fast paced, sweet and romantic mini show - with an interesting storyline - this is definitely well worth watching.
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