sometimes i'm in the mood sometimes i'm not (of drama)
These are my guide for the ratings that I gave to drama that I've watched or dropped:
10 ⭐ - Masterpiece, and often rewatchable.
9.5 ⭐ - Masterpiece, but I don’t rewatch it as often as I should.
9 ⭐ - A great drama overall.
8.5 ⭐ - An amazing drama with some minor weaknesses.
8 ⭐ - An amazing drama with noticeable weaknesses.
7.5 ⭐ - A good drama
7 ⭐ - A just good enough drama
6.5 ⭐ - Had some strengths, but also prominent deficiencies.
6 ⭐ - A bit unsatisfying overall.
5.5 ⭐ - A 50/50 drama, probably a boring one.
5 ⭐ - An unsatisfying drama, but still had some watchable elements.
4.5 ⭐ - Lackluster, but still watchable.
4 ⭐ - Not good at all, but slightly memorable.
3.5 ⭐ - A drama that’s not very watchable, but had one or two decent moments.
3 ⭐ - A terrible drama.
2.5 ⭐ - A drama where everything is unsatisfying.
2 ⭐ - A drama that should’ve been dropped.
1.5 ⭐ - A drama I should’ve never started.
1 ⭐ - A drama that shouldn’t have been made. A.k.a., what was I thinking watching this hot garbage