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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Mar 5, 2021

Meet My Angel (2021) Episode 3: Good Morning Angel

I barely got through Episode 3: Good Morning Angel. There wasn't much progress in terms of plot/storyline on this episode. There were unnecessarily long scenes like the toilet scene. Script was a bit cheesy. There were a few cute lines but it also had preachy dialogues. Because of this episode's poor screenplay, Enzo and Kaleb 's acting suffered. It was difficult to empathize and symphatize with their characters because of the cringy dialogues. Audio-visuals were still uneven. Five more episodes!
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Mar 5, 2021

B X J Forever (2021) Episode 4: Strangled

Episode 4: Strangled was 50-minute long. I enjoyed this episode very much. I liked how personal and social issues were seamlessly weaved together on this episode. The stories of all the couples progressed on this episode. The dynamics of the Yana, Olan, Burn, and Amber relationships were interesting. I honestly don't know which pair to root for. Dante and Flo were cute. I can relate to the issue of age difference. It didn't work for me. I hope it works for them, lol. I also sympathize with Flo. I can only imagine all the stresses experienced by health workers. I like Bogs and Francia. I fully support their pairing! But Jim and Val, that's a couple I'm not fond of. But at least there was no drunk sex. While I don't like Ben and Roy to end up together, they had good naughty banter that made me laugh. Script was alright. Acting was fine. Miko is proof what good directing can do. He's just way better in this series than in his previous series. Production technicals were still good. Given the preview for next week's episode, I'm really looking forward to finding out what happens next.

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Mar 2, 2021

Lakan (2020) Episode 10: Wakas na Pasasalamat (Final Thanks)

While Episode 10: Wakas na Pasasalamat (Final Thanks) tried to address last episode's sad (and bad) ending, everything felt rushed in the service of a happy ending. There were no build-ups. Acceptance and finding your love and romance were made so easy which made the ending quite unrealistic. Script was still unexciting. Acting was still dry. Production technicals, especially editing, particularly scene transitions, weren't good. The last scene with Caloy/Bulan and John kissing with the landscape background was nice though. Overall, this episode's still a better finale than last week's episode.
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Feb 27, 2021

Padayon (2021) Episode 1: Sino (Who)

While there were some weaknesses especially in terms of acting, Episode 1: Sino (Who) nevertheless looked promising. While it employed the overused enemies to lovers trope, rich and poor characters falling in love with each other trope, and daddy issues trope, it seemed very much contextualized in various Philippine social issues. The challenge for this series is to avoid being preachy, introduce something new, and at the same time, show realism and relatability. Screenplay was conversational enough but the delivery of lines sounded scripted. Acting, especially by the supporting cast members, needs to improve. Ian and John had both good and bad acting moments on this episode. Both have potential but they need to let loose and be more natural in their acting. I especially like Ian. He has a very expressive face. He just needs to harmonize his vocal, physical, and emotional choices in acting. Audio-visuals were quite decent. Sound was clear enough and scenes had good camera shots. I liked the soundtrack “Mahalaga” (Important) by Lester Flores featuring Rojene Ortega. All in all, it's a good start for this series.

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Feb 27, 2021

Alter (2021) Episode 3: Love on Top

Burdened by its shallow plot/storyline, Episode 3: Love on Top didn't really have much to show for other than how Sarah and Elmo implemented their scheme. Out of the three episodes, this was the weakest. Script was largely alright though. Lines were conversational enough. But in terms of acting, there were still no improvements. Audio-visuals weren't that good as well. Some dialogues weren't clear and some scenes were blurry. The camera shot of Elmo and Sarah exchanging rooms was unimaginative. Overall, this series needs to improve.
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Feb 27, 2021

Lakan (2020) Episode 9: Wakas ng Paglaya (End of Freedom)

Episode 9: Wakas ng Paglaya (End of Freedom) was the finale episode of Lakan. Nay (Mother) Zeny died and Bulan/Caloy and John had to separate in the end. Needless to say, it was a bad ending. To be honest, the steamy love making scene was the only part that I liked on this episode, lol. Screenplay was a bit dull while acting was just tolerable. Audio-visuals were still uneven. All in all, this finale was quite underwhelming.
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Feb 26, 2021

Meet My Angel (2021) Episode 2: Acquaintance

While the plot/storyline progressed a bit on Episode 2: Acquaintance, this series was still bogged down by its dull screenplay. Some of the lines were just long and whiny. Efforts at being cute and funny didn't quite hit the mark. Thank heavens Kaleb, Enzo, and Gio can act! Their acting saved this episode for me. Production technicals were still uneven but they were better than last week's episode. I hope this series improves in the coming weeks.
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Feb 26, 2021

One Day Pag-ibig (2021) Episode 7

Although the long recap and repetitive scenes drove me insane, all in all, Episode 7 wasn't a total disaster. At least it was able to wrap up its simple plot/storyline. Script was generally cheesy but there were also some cute lines. In terms of acting, all the cast members have a long way to go but they were watchable enough. Audio-visuals weren't exceptional but they were tolerable. Overall, "One Day Pag-ibig" had lots of weakness but it was still ok.
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Feb 25, 2021

B X J Forever (2021) Episode 3: The Hopes, Fools, Romantics

The 43-minute long Episode 3: The Hopes, Fools, Romantics was another strong episode. I really like how this season's progressing. Characters, old and new, are really interesting. I like most of the characters although I'm still not sure how I feel about Val. It's clear that this season's exploring different types of relationships. I like the new couples. I'm still Team Ben X Jim so I don't want Roy and Val to mess things up between them. But what I especially don't like is for Roy to get hurt. I don't want Roy to end up with Ben but I'd love for him to be happy with someone else in the end. For sure, this season is more daring. This episode had lots of shirtless scenes (the best of course were Royce's scenes, lol) and a couple of love scenes, including an orgy scene (don't worry, everything's tastefully done, lol). Screenplay was still quite good. Acting was on point. Audio-visuals were solid. It's just refreshing to watch a Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series with scenes shot in different locations. I'm so looking forward to next week's episode!

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Feb 22, 2021

Alter (2021) Episode 2: Makeover

Episode 2: Makeover was mostly ok. This episode provided some insights into the main characters' childhood trauma with regards to their sexual orientation and gender identity expression (SOGIE). While it's entitled "makeover," this episode didn't really belabor the makeover of Elmo, which is good. Screenplay was alright. Acting still needs work. Production technicals were largely fine. So far, there are no evident hiccups in presenting Elmo and Sarah in one frame. All in all, this episode was ok.
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Feb 22, 2021

Got'chu Fam! (2020) Episode 12: Huling Sandali (Last Moments)

On the whole, Episode 12: Huling Sandali (Last Moments) was ok. King's father bought the boarding house so the main problem was solved. Unfortunately, King had to leave which derailed (hopefully only temporarily) the King-Spencer ship. But at least Carlo and Paul are together. Screenplay was generally fine. There were some good comedic lines although the dramatic dialogues were quite dry. Acting by the lead cast members were largely alright. I don't get the need to feature the extras. Audio was kinda bad although the outdoor resort visuals were nice. Overall, the finale was mostly ok.
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Feb 22, 2021

B X J Forever (2021) Episode 2: The Jim Missing Ben

I enjoyed Episode 2: The Jim Missing Ben. All the characters have stories to tell and all the scenes were purposive enough to tell part of their stories. Their personal stories were also intertwined with relevant social issues like cancel culture, catfishing, effects of the pandemic on family relationships, gender transitioning, sexual orientation and gender identity expression (SOGIE) equality bill campaign, etc. I still can't decide which among the couples I like most but I'm quite sure I like Olan and Yana who I hope will not end up as a couple. It's also good that a lot were revealed about what happened to Ben and Jim in the past. Of course, Roy's appearance was the best part of this episode, lol! Script remained realistic and relatable. Acting by the entire cast was really good. And production technicals were solid. All in all, I liked this episode.

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Feb 20, 2021

Lakan (2020) Episode 8: Hanggang sa Muli (Till We Meet Again)

If indeed it's the finale (it doesn't seemed like it's the finale), Episode 8: Hanggang sa Muli (Till We Meet Again) was a bit underwhelming. While there was an adequate explanation for why Ditas acted the way she did, there weren't enough good closing scenes for Bulan/Caloy and John. Even the kissing scene was bland. Script was mostly alright although there were long and whiny lines delivered by Ditas. Acting was a bit dry. Production technicals had weaknesses especially in terms of editing, flow, and pace. Overall, it was still a decent series.
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Feb 20, 2021

Meet My Angel (2021) Episode 1: Torment

The pilot episode, Episode 1: Torment, was just ok. The plot/storyline was clearly laid out on this episode. Character background for Damon was provided. But a lot of scenes made me uncomfortable. I don't think watching the different ways to kill oneself is a good viewing experience. Script had long lines and over poetic monologues that became cringy and dragging after some time. There were also misinformed and problematic lines [e.g. "HIV has cure" (HIV can be managed but technically there's no cure yet)]. Acting was good. I was pleasantly surprised with newbie actor Kaleb who was able to do his scenes well. Audio-visuals were uneven. In some scenes, sound wasn't clear and crisp. While there were good camera shots, there were also bad ones (e.g. part of a curtain that was distractingly moving was caught in the frame). All in all, while there were issues, this premiere episode was fairly decent.

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Feb 20, 2021

One Day Pag-ibig (2021) Episode 6

It was revealed on Episode 6 that Kyle was the one who helped Roi (via phone) when he was distressed during the pilot episode. Screenplay was mostly ok. Acting still needs improvement. Production technicals were much like previous episodes. Editing, especially with regard to scene transitions, needs work. Let's see how this series end next episode.
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