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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Mar 20, 2021

Meet My Angel (2021) Episode 6: Admit

Similar to previous episodes, Episode 6: Admit was boring and dragging. Yes, Damon admitted he likes Angelo. And yes, there were also signs that Damon's condition was worsening. But because of the long and overdramatic scenes, it felt like nothing really happened on this episode. Honestly, this episode made me doze off and I had to rewind to catch the scenes I missed. Screenplay was mostly uninteresting. Nonetheless, I commend the actors for still delivering good performances despite everything else about this episode being poor. Audio-visuals were substandard. At times, background music didn't complement the scenes. Last two episodes!

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Mar 19, 2021

Ben x Jim (2021) Episode 6: The (Mis)Alingment

Episode 6: The (Mis)Alingment was a strong episode. Plot/storyline progressed on this episode. Some character backgrounds for Bogs and Roy were provided. Now, I want to know a bit more about Amber, Burn, and even Dante. There were breakups on this episode: Dante and Flo and Jim and Val -- sort of. Jealousy all around. There were awkward and tension-filled scenes, some of which were unnecessarily prolonged, but there were also cute and funny moments. The dramatic scenes involving Bogs and Francia, that touched on personal insecurities and personal issues as well as workplace discrimination, was good. Screenplay was generally relatable. Acting was largely alright. Production technicals were solid. I love the outdoor scenes! Last two episodes!

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Mar 15, 2021

Padayon (2021) Episode 3: Pribilehiyo (Privilege)

I think I get what this series is trying to do. It's trying to present a boys' love (BL) story with clear Philippine societal issues as backdrop. On Episode 3: Pribilehiyo (Privilege), the discussion of issues like stereotypes for those wearing tattoo, victim-blaming in cases of rape, lack of facilities for online classes, poverty, etc. was much appreciated. My concern is that at times, the inclusion of these topics felt forced. It didn't seem natural and organic especially given that there's little excitement and romance on this series that usually characterize BL stories. On succeeding episodes, I hope this series is able to harmoniously fuse together the couple's chemistry with the social relevance it's trying to promote. Script wasn't as good as previous episodes. Acting was also off at times. Audio-visuals were uneven. Based on the preview, the next episode looks promising in terms of relationship development.

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Mar 13, 2021

Daddy Love (2021) Episode 1

Based on cast interviews, "Daddy Love" identifies as a Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series. Because the character of Mark hardly qualifies as a "boy," I initially didn't categorize this series as BL. But because I respect how this series self-identifies, I decided to include this series in the list of Pinoy BL series that we promote and review. Episode 1 was a solid pilot episode. The plot/storyline about an innocent masseur and his experienced client looks promising. The contrast in economic class and social status between Kiko and Mark was well established on this episode. Screenplay was generally realistic and relatable. Acting was on point. Both Rex and Victor fit their roles well. Their sexy and steamy scenes were tastefully done. Audio-visuals were mostly good. The soundtrack "Hiling" (Request) by Malvin Drake Manatad was nice. All things considered, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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Mar 13, 2021

Between Us (2021) Episode 2

The pace of Episode 2 was quite slow with lots of extended and unnecessary scenes. Yes, some character backgrounds, especially Art's, were provided but the details failed to excite. Script was really dull. Acting was uninspired. Aside from the annoying make-up, other aspects of production were also irritating. Audio feedback was particularly bad. Background music and sound effects were maddening. There were also instances when lip movements didn't match spoken vocals. Editing needs work. I don't know how I'll survive 13 more episodes of this series. I hope this series improves.
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Mar 13, 2021

Kiss the Night (2021) Episode 2: Trust

Episode 2: Trust confirmed the lack of depth of this series. Plot/storyline was superficial with inappropriate reactions from the characters. This episode also perpetuated the stereotypical depiction of effeminate queers as sexually promiscuous. They were also portrayed as sexual predators on this episode. I feel that the cast and crew of production companies who haven't undergone adequate sexual orientation and gender identity expression (SOGIE) trainings shouldn't be doing Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series. Script regressed compared to last week's episode. Acting wasn't good. The actors weren't natural with their performance. Production technicals were also weak. I hope the production company fix the many problems of this series.

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Mar 13, 2021

Kiss the Night (2021) Episode 1: Pilot

While this series tackled prostitution, a serious social issue, on its Episode 1: Pilot, I'm not confident this series will be able to handle this topic appropriately given its production company's failure to sensibly discuss rape, mental health, and suicide in its earlier Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series "Love or Lie." But let's give this Pinoy BL series the benefit of the doubt. This episode introduced the main characters of this series. While the screenplay was conversational enough, the delivery of lines felt scripted. Acting needs improvement. Some of the actors overacted. Audio-visuals were uneven. There were distracting sound volume fluctuations and rough scene transitions. All in all, this series needs to get better on its next episodes.

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Mar 13, 2021

Pisces the Series (2021) Episode 2: Leo

Episode 2: Leo doesn't seem related with the previous episode. While Pisces' last name in the previous episode was Mercedez, on this episode, his surname was Osorio. This episode was about Pisces and his crush Leo. They went out on a virtual blind date and Leo turned out to be a douche with mood swings. He also turned out to be a ghost. The plot/storyline was interesting enough. Script was conversational. Acting was mostly fine. But audio-visuals were weak. Dubbing was bad. Lip movements weren't in sync with spoken vocals. Overall, I'm not yet sure if I like having stand-alone stories. I'll see what I feel next episode.

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Mar 13, 2021

Meet My Angel (2021) Episode 5: Evanescing

The pace of Episode 5: Evanescing was painfully slow. Some scenes were unnecessarily prolonged with repetitive dialogues. Script was consistently dull. The only good feature of this episode was Enzo and Kaleb's acting. I feel for them. Their talents are being wasted because of poor material. Audio-visuals were the same as previous episodes. After Amore and The Shore, I'm sick and tired of the same background music used on this series. There are only three episodes left. I hope something substantive happens on the next episodes.
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Mar 13, 2021

Amore: A Love to Last (2021) Special Finale Episode

This Special Finale Episode was way better than Episode 27: Greatest Love. Most of the lingering issues were resolved. Jimmy and Joey are now living together and Wil and Princess ended up together as well. While I wasn't happy seeing sexual harasser Kenji, at least Nuan seemed happy with his boyfriend. Madam Tusha, Brenda, and Jelay all seemed joyous. Screenplay was generally conversational. Thank heavens there were no long and repetitive lines! Acting was mostly fine. Drei and Erwin had chemistry on this episode. Audio-visuals weren't as good as previous episodes though. There were lots of dark scenes and grainy camera shots. But all in all, this episode was still a better way to close the book on Amore.

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Mar 13, 2021

Love or Lie (2021) Episode 5: Finale

Things got even worse on Episode 5: Finale with Kyle committing suicide. I'm done with the tiresome bury your gay trope in line with the equally wearisome too good for this problematic earth narrative which this series used. On top of this, mental health issues and suicide resulting from being raped was totally mishandled on this series. There was obvious victim-blaming! This episode also normalized rapists getting away scot-free. This was a very disappointing finale!
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Mar 13, 2021

Love or Lie (2021) Episode 4: Ang Pagtataksil (The Betrayal)

Episode 4: Ang Pagtataksil (The Betrayal) featured the aftermath of Kyle being raped by Adam. Adam threatened to release their sex video and because of what happened, Jacob broke up with Kyle. Aside from some of his friends turning their backs on him, Adam seemed to get away with rape. Script wasn't good. There were problematic lines that blamed Kyle for what happened. Acting was off on several occasions. There were times when the actors overacted. Production technicals were weak. There were echoes and volume fluctuations. Scene transitions were poor. Overall, this episode was a disappointing.
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Mar 13, 2021

Love or Lie (2021) Episode 3: Obsessed

Episode 3: Obsessed had a number of imagined sequences with lots of kissing that ruined this episode for me. This episode really felt disorganized. The episode title pertained to Adam's obsession with Kyle whom he drugged and raped. Screenplay was still conversational. Acting was generally fine but Marky needs to improve. There were times when his timing was off. Audio-visuals were the same as previous episodes. This series tackled serious issues. I'm not sure if they can handle these issues appropriately. Last two episodes!
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Mar 13, 2021

Love or Lie (2021) Episode 2: Comeback

Nathaniel's back in Jacob and Kyle's life on Episode 2: Comeback. Kyle seemed unaware of Jacob and Nathaniel's past. Script was realistic enough. Acting wasn't bad although the actors seemed tentative at times. Production technicals need to improve. There were loud background sounds and volume fluctuations. There were also inappropriate jogging attire! Lol! Editing, especially scene transitions, wasn't smooth enough. All in all, this series still needs to get better.
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Mar 13, 2021

Love or Lie (2021) Episode 1: I Love You Mahal (I Love You Love)

What I liked about Episode 1: I Love You Mahal (I Love You Love) was that it was able to somehow represent lower class and poor Filipinos. I'm just not sure yet if I like the plot/storyline that seemed to revolve around cheating. Screenplay was mostly conversational. Surprisingly, the cast members, who are mostly newbies, can act. They're not particularly good but they're not bad either. They're ok. Audio-visuals weren't good. Computer graphics were simple with some typographical errors (e.g. "coorperation"). Soundtrack "Ikaw" (You) by Autotelic was fine. Overall, I hope this series improves on the next episodes.

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