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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Oct 22, 2020

Oh My Sexual (2020) Episode 10: Oh My Theatric

When they're not exaggerating and overacting, the cast of Oh My Sexual are pretty decent. Acting was the only thing that went well for Episode 10: Oh My Theatric. While the memorable lines from Shakespeare’s best dramatic works interspersed with the characters' stories were good, they didn't really help advance the main plot/storyline of this series. Production value remained below average. With two episodes left, I'm just hoping I'll get surprised with how this series will wrap things up.
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Oct 20, 2020

Safe Haven (2020) Episode 9: Positive, Infected

Aside from Dave showing signs that he's falling for Terrence, nothing much happened on Episode 9: Positive, Infected. Screenplay was tiresome because of the long lines. Dialogues were cringy at times. If it's any consolation, acting wasn't as bad as last week. Production value's still of low quality. Split-screen transitions were very distracting. Hopefully, this series somehow improves next week.
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Oct 18, 2020

90 Days The Series (2020) Episode 4: Proposal

On Episode 4: Proposal, it was established that Greg's a two-timer. He got back together with Patrick and he's finding it hard to dump Axel. Patrick was finally introduced on this episode. To make things more complicated, Axel proposed marriage to Greg at the end of this episode. At least the plot/storyline moved forward. But this episode was painful to watch. Partly because I symphatized with the clueless Axel but mostly because screenplay and acting were extra cringy. There were no cute or funny lines, just cheesy and preachy dialogues. The actors were still overacting for the most part. And there's just no chemistry between the actors (Aejhay and Brian, Brian and James Andrew). I don't know, maybe that's the point -- Greg doesn't deserve to be with anyone. But still, lack of chemistry doesn't contribute to enjoyable viewing. Audio-visuals were generally uneven. There was a weird sudden change of background music (from dramatic to comedic) during Greg and Patrick's conversation and there were grainy shots during Axel and Greg's exchanges. All in all, I wasn't really happy about this episode.

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Oct 18, 2020

Amore (2020) Episode 10: Let's Begin

As early as Episodes 3-4, I've already said I don't like the "manipulative and scheming" and "shady" Wil. While I generally like flawed characters because they're more human and more realistic, I don't like imperfections that are almost or downright criminal (e.g. Wil, Kenji). I like flawed characters who are able to overcome their shortcomings and are able to show character development and redemption (e.g. Nuan, Jimmy). Episode 10: Let's Begin reiterated why I would rather have JoJimmy than JoWil. Note that I've always been for JoNuan but since that ship's over even before it started, JoJimmy's a good second choice. This episode also somehow gave credence to the long-running suspicion that Butch is actually Wil's son. However, even up to now, I'm still bothered that Princess (and later her son) was able to hide in JoJimmy's room for so long without Madam Tusha and Wil finding out and that it's only during this time that Princess found out about Wil -- and this is supposed to be based on a true story! In any case, plot/storyline progressed nicely on this episode. Although there were still some corny dialogues especially between Joey and Wil when they were at the farm, script was largely ok. Acting was mostly fine. Jocel and Ivan showed noticeable improvements. I don't like Wil, but I like Ivan. Compared to previous episodes, audio-visuals were the same for the most part. The provincial rural setting was nice. Overall, I like this episode.

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Oct 18, 2020

Boys' Lockdown (2020) Episode 1: Essential Errands

Like most Filipino (Pinoy) boys’ love (BL) series, Boys’ Lockdown was also contextualized during the Philippines’ enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main plot/storyline seemed simple -- a chance meeting between two boys who eventually fall in love with each other. It’s cute, it’s light, and it’s something you’d want to watch when you just want to relax and unwind. On Episode 1: Essential Errands, there were a few cheesy lines but the dialogues were generally natural -- at least for middle to upper class Pinoys. Both Ali and Alec were adorable. Both were really cute and endearing. I’m excited to see how their chemistry unfolds on succeeding episodes. Acting wasn’t spectacular but was largely good. The two boys can act. The supporting cast members were also mostly ok. Even though his character was just reading romance novels, Ivoy looked so… manly, lol! I love Macoy’s special participation and of course, Laksa -- My Day’s Chukchuk has some competition on who’s the cutest Pinoy BL series dog, lol! Production design, cinematography, musical scoring, and editing were all good. Actually, everything’s pretty clean. The OST “Home” by Reese Lansangan was also ok. All in all, Episode 1 was a solid premiere episode. Given the preview, I’m excited for next week’s episode!

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Oct 18, 2020

My Extraordinary (2020) Episode 4: Pieces of You

Given that this series has only 8 episodes, its pace is actually good. Each episode contributes to the main plot/storyline. If you miss an episode, you would have missed an important storyline. The main plot/storyline progressed on Episode 4: Pieces of You. Ken’s play was finally staged with Sandee as the main and only star. I liked that I got to know a bit more about the supporting cast members -- Heaven, Romeo, Jayvee, Kevin, Mike, and even Teresa. Screenplay was literary yet very relatable. I felt Ken’s script. More so because Karissa was really good on this episode. I felt her pain. Acting was generally consistently good for most of the actors. Kayden’s adorable and while I think he’s very promising, at times he appeared tentative. But I’m sure with more acting experience, he’ll definitely improve. I’m also excited for the Jayvee and Lawrence ship. The quality of the production design, cinematography, musical scoring, and editing was maintained. We’re halfway through and so far, so good, for this series.

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Oct 17, 2020

Boyband Love (2020) Episode 4

In a lot of ways, Episode 4 was better than the previous episode. This episode was better paced. There were character backgrounds and relationship developments not only for the main couple but also for the supporting characters. Details about the progress of their careers were also shown (which included some shirtless photo shoot!). Of course, the highlights for this episode were the scenes depicting Aiden starting to realize that he might have feelings for Danny (who drunk confessed his feelings!). While there were awkward moments like Jamie asking Josh to soap his back (a shower scene again, lol!) and the fan not realizing Rico’s queer, the supporting cast members’ storylines moved forward as well. Script was ok with no major cringy lines. Acting was also better than previous episodes. Production value still needs improvement though. Overall, Episode 4 was a good episode.

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Oct 16, 2020

Quaranthings: The Series (2020) Episode 7: Rapid Test Kit

Both Judah and Rocky are flawed characters. And I love them for their flaws. They have issues but they really try to overcome them. Unfortunately, most of the time, it's just difficult and they go on default and in the process hurt themselves and the people they actually love. Episode 7: Rapid Test Kit is my favorite Quaranthings episode. Some of the loose ends with regard to Judah's grandmother and mother and Rock's father and family were settled. Even the case of Glenn was more or less resolved. Appropriately, what will become of Judah and Rocky's relationship is the only remaining major issue for the finale. Script was consistently realistic and relatable. Acting was so good, both Kyo and Royce made me shed tears. Production technicals were ok. I don't know what will happen on the finale next week but I'm excited!

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Oct 16, 2020

Gaya Sa Pelikula (2020) Episode 4

While Episode 4 was slow-paced, it was nevertheless very cute and sweet. Aside from Vlad getting jealous and showing a bit of how he actually felt about Karl, not a lot happened in terms of moving the main plot/storyline forward. But because the scenes were well executed, everything turned out ok. Screenplay was consistently good. There were a lot of meaningful lines. Enunciation on Ian's part and exaggerated hand gestures on Paolo's part were still minor issues but their acting in general, was fine. I love Ian and Paolo's chemistry. Yesh was good (or maybe too good?) but she might need to tone down a bit so she won't eat up Paolo on their scenes together. Audio-visuals and production technicals were largely satisfactory. I love the OST "Tahanan" (Home) featuring Nica del Rosario. For next week's episode, I expect some conflict that will move the main plot/storyline forward.

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Oct 15, 2020

Ben X Jim (2020) Episode 1: Love Returns

Those who have had a crush on their childhood friend but weren't able to confess their feelings will find this series relatable. Obviously, I can relate, lol! It's refreshing to watch a Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series whose lead characters have history. I know the "childhood friend to possible lover" trope has been done before (e.g. Kumusta Bro?, at least to a certain extent) but oftentimes on Pinoy BL series, lead characters have just met and the series basically explore how their relationship develops. At least, Ben X Jim's different from most Pinoy BL series with its promising plot/storyline. Ben and Jim have history and this series is about confronting their past in order to navigate through their present and their future. Now, for the sake of realism, do I want them to end up together? I'm not sure yet. Ben and Olan might look better together but this series is called Ben X Jim so maybe that's not feasible at all, lol! Screenplay of Episode 1: Love Returns was natural and realistic. I was pleasantly surprised with Teejay's acting. Honestly, I haven't seen any of Teejay's past works so I was really impressed with his performance. He's also gorgeous. He's like a Ken doll, lol! I've watched Jerome and Ron before so I know they can act, especially Jerome. With Ron, this might be his most substantive role yet. Production design, cinematography, musical scoring, and editing were all good. The OST "Stars Align" performed by Swavesound was quite cool but maybe it's better not to overplay it too much. Based on the preview, next week's episode looks very interesting. I'm excited!

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Oct 13, 2020

Oh My Sexual (2020) Episode 9: Oh My Dramatic!

Watching Episode 9: Oh My Dramatic!, I was reminded of some of the classic films we were asked to watch during my undergraduate courses on cinematic arts. Did the clips from these movies fit this episode? Not really but at least it's more watchable than previous episodes, at least the complicated relationships among the characters became clearer on this episode. Script was less cringy and so was the acting. Audio-visuals remained the same. Overall, it's better than last week's episode.
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Oct 13, 2020

Safe Haven (2020) Episode 8: Bunch of Maybes

Similar to the previous episode, the plot/storyline progressed on Episode 8: Bunch of Maybes. This episode showed that the plan to make Dave fall for Terrence was still on. It also introduced Felicity and her history with Terrence. It also seemed that Dave's developing feelings for Terrence. Which regards to the supporting characters, this series has a problem in depicting them -- the female characters were one-dimensional while the Terrence's male friends were just sexist with little redeeming characteristics. Screenplay needs to be more natural. Acting, especially by Leo, was very poor. His performance appeared scripted and he had all those unnecessary hand gestures that looked like he's on a school play. Audio-visuals were uneven and editing was still problematic. More than halfway through its season, issues remain. I continue to hope for improvements though. Let's see what happens next.

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Oct 12, 2020

Boyband Love (2020) Episode 3

Episode 3 elaborated on the plot/storyline established on last week’s episode. Aside from hints of jealousy from Danny by the end of this episode, nothing new was added. The dream sequence and the script were cringy. Acting was at times still awkward. Audio was uneven. Set designs still needed upgrades. Cinematography was better though. Yes, camera work during the forest scene wasn’t steady but it showcased expression and movement which are important. Editing was a bit better compared to last week’s episode but pace and scene transitions still need refinements. While Boyband Love has its shortcomings, I’ll still stick around to see how the plot/storyline unfolds in succeeding episodes.

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Oct 11, 2020

90 Days The Series (2020) Episode 3: Payo ni Tito Ricardo

Episode 3: Payo ni Tito Ricardo didn't really move the plot/storyline forward. While we got to know Ricardo, Axel and Greg's relationship didn't progress much on this episode. Screenplay for the Axel and Ricardo phone conversation was tiresome because it was long and repetitive which lessened the impact of the scene. While Aejhay can act, his performance wasn't helped by the wearisome lines. His acting appeared overdramatized with all the crying. Audio-visuals still need improvement. Editing, especially in terms of scene transitions, needs refinement. Overall, this episode wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It was average. Hopefully, we get a better episode next week.

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Oct 11, 2020

My Extraordinary (2020) Episode 3: I Came, ISaw, I Conquered

Episode 3: I Came, ISaw, I Conquered was funny, romantic, and scary. The humorous and lovey-dovey characteristics of the previous episodes continued on this episode. What surprised me was that it pursued the ghostly features mentioned during last week’s episode. While combining the boys’ love (BL) genre with the paranormal genre isn’t entirely new (off the top of my head, I can think of at a least three recent Thai BL series that dabbled on the otherworldly: My Dream, He’s Coming To Me, and Ghost Runner), My Extraordinary, nevertheless, sets itself apart from other Filipino (Pinoy) BL series. What I hope it does in succeeding episodes is establish its difference with similar BL series from other countries by incorporating Pinoy culture in its treatment of the supernatural. Screenplay was relatable as always. Acting was solid. Enzo, Darwin, Karissa, and Keijee were all good but Darwin needs to minimize the unnecessary hand gestures (case in point, during ShaKen’s “date”). While they may show Shake’s awkwardness in front of Ken or even his naturalness, too much may also distract the audience. Episode 3 also presented more character background not only Shake’s but also Sandee’s. Even with only three episodes released, we’re already sure that Sandee will not be portrayed as a one-dimensional jealous female antagonist. She’s a very interesting character. Production design and cinematography were very good. But recaps should be shortened. The OST “Hindi Niya Alam” (He Doesn’t Know/Without Him Knowing) performed by Kenji Exaltacion was also very good. Overall, Episode 3 was an awesome episode.

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