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Also it is officially the FIRST horror movie that has EVER made me cry, if you want to know why, you have to watch it and find out for yourself.
So, in the end all I can say for this movie is "Wow." This movie had some things I was not expecting for a horror movie.
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But what I don't like, is a horror film with little to no real plot.
While this movie did seem interesting at first, it became very boring very quickly. The problem of this movie, was that there were too many plot holes and no real explainable plot. It was all sort of muddled and confusing.
People died without explanation as to why they were the target, the film relied on jump scares for the main element of horror and there's no real explanation as to why possession became possible in the first place.
I don't mind if a movie leaves a few loose ends for the person watching to determine and make up their own idea (like at the very last rooftop scene) but when in every corner there's an unanswered question, you start to become more frustrated with the situation than the characters of the movie.
Unless there is some symbolism I don't understand because the differing cultures of Korea and America, this film was very random and just not a very worthwhile watch in my opinion.
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There were so many aspects that made this adorable, it could have been a very good movie without the copy cat bits. However, because it was copied and I have recently seen The Holiday for the first time, I could tell how many things were rushed in order to stick to the original concept.
I personally don't mind remakes, spin offs or movies based upon another older movie, but I can't stand it when they make it out to be super original and it ends up rushed. If you want to watch a really good movie, try The Holiday; it's got feelings that are more raw and beautiful.
I wouldn't stop anyone from watching this movie, but I hope that other people will realize it's just a copied product trying to do it better.
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1. Story
Okay, I will be 100% honest, I really think the story-line to this drama is really intriguing. I think that it has many elements that are not cliche and can be found very enjoyable. I was constantly wondering when and how the story would develop and couldn't wait to find out more secrets behind the virus.
2. Actors
I will once again be completely honest. I think that most of the actors in this drama did wonderfully. I think since Ahn Jae Hyun us a relatively new actor that showed a bit and I personally have never been able to stand the acting of Gu Hye Seon; however, I think there are those who do not mind her acting and have nothing further to say about her. Anyway, the other actors did an amazing job. Whether it was from the hospital patients to the doctors and nurses, there were mostly good and great actors.
3. Execution
With everything seeming really good, some of you might want to hop on over to your favourite drama site and start watching this right now, but I have some bad news. While the cast and story are good, the execution is not. There are scenes that are extremely slow and draggy because of the way the directors chose to portray certain scenes or moments. Some scenes that only would require one or two minutes to get the point, seem to drag on for at least ten; while other moments leave you confused, because something important was glossed over too quickly.
4. The Hype and the Hate
Honestly, this is one of the many dramas that can go either way, you either love it or hate it. Honestly, I think there's a reason why. I'm not claiming this to be the truth, but I have seen this happen again and again on many occasions and even with myself when I first started dramas.
Many of the people who are giving this drama a good to moderate review, seem to be those who have not watched many dramas yet or have only been drama watching for a couple of years. Even when I first started my drama addiction, Panda and Hedgehog along with Full House Take 2 were some of the best dramas I had ever seen. Looking back on them, yeah they were good and cute, but there were so many more that were just, better.
As for the ones who seem to hate it or don't understand the hype, they are mostly what I would call veteran drama watchers. Those who have seen enough of the older dramas to recognize who the supporting roles are and can even tell in what drama the set has been previously used. These seems to be a majority of the people who can pick out the flaws a little better and were expecting more.
Now, not everyone, this is just some of my observation along with generalization, but this might help you decide if you want to watch this drama. If you're fairly new to dramas, you might like it. If you're a long time drama fan, you might not.
Anyway, I hope this can be of help. for my 2017 drama resolution, instead of resolving never to drop a drama, I am resolved to never force myself to watch one.
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There are three major good points and three major bad points. I'll start with the bad points first.
Bad points: Story, Ghost, Timing.
Let me start off by saying first and foremost, that this story was lacking big time. And the reason for that is the motive of the ghost. I was honestly expecting something much more deep and complex. I suppose the writers thought family bonds were enough of a motive, which in some cases they can be; when there is more development. There are some scenes that especially confused me; I couldn't tell if there was possession going on or just crazy delirium. Both of which don't make a lot of sense with the storyline that was chosen. To top it all off, I feel like certain scenes were timed pretty badly and cause a lot of plot holes all in the name of building suspense. (Which didn't work.)
The good points: Acting, Music, Filmography.
Now to the good stuff~
The acting in this movie was totally on point. The way the actors portrayed their characters was just awesome, especially Kang Byul's acting. Her character switches behaviours frequently in this film and the actress keeps things interesting with each new behaviour that arises. Honestly, I have to say her character's behaviours were quite scary; scarier than the ghost as someone has already stated. Those crazy and odd behaviours that portrayed, when paired with the music and off balance camera angles, always had me on my toes. I kept expecting jump scares to happen, which threw me off for when there was an actual jump scare. It gave me chills occasionally and the way the camera was angled, made me feel like the characters were being stalked in more than one way which gave a pleasant element of creepiness.
All in all this was not a favourite movie choice, I personally felt like it was a slight waste of time and could have been done so much better. There were too many plot holes and things that weren't expounded upon enough to give a clearer picture or to make things more interesting. The end of the movie just left me feeling like: meh.
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For example, the music is usually a key part in horror films, it keeps the suspense up and to keep to nerves on edge. Silence can also be a powerful tool, but they opted for more silence than any music which I personally find sad.
The best thing about this film was its storyline. It had so much potential, the story was very much like a fairytale and had a similar feel to the stories that have been written by the Brother's Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson. (In my personal opinion.)
I felt so much for the character Minna, she was truly a likable character, but the story lacked proper execution, which caused a lack of feelings and a sense of detachment from most of the characters. Which can either be seen as good because of certain deaths or bad as it didn't leave enough of an emotional impact for it to be scary or to cause the viewer to be worried about which character is in danger next.
When you mix several lacking elements with mediocre acting and scenes that are trying way too hard to be scary, you end up with a film that has an interesting storyline but leaves you unimpressed and detached. Usually you feel a sense of relief as a horror movie ends; knowing the character has successfully conquered the horrible experienses or it ends leaving questions and suspense causing you to question what would happen next; imprinting the movie into your memory.
Sadly, this movie is one I will most likely soon forget.
I wouldn't necessarily say it was a waste of time, it was lighter for those who can't handle full blown horror, but I will never recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of the genre of horror.
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For those people who like a fresh and new story concepts, I'm sad to say you won't find that here. But! I personally think the way the actors interacted was pretty sweet and in a way "fresh". Then again, I am absolutely a fan of the cliché "Cinderella" stories and love/hate relationships. I don't know why, but for me, you can either make the cliché story your own or you can majorly fail.
I personally think that these two made it loveable and absolutely adorable! (The handcuff bit made me laugh so hard!)
All in all, I liked the movie for what it was: Light-hearted.
It's a great movie for anyone who has a little time before bed on a weekday night to unwind, have a couple of laughs at the cute and cliché couple and go to bed with a fluffy feeling inside.
I personally have a saying with food that I love to apply to movies as well: Don't knock it 'till you try it; loose the expectations, and experience it as it unfolds.
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