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Trumpet of the Cliff japanese drama review
Trumpet of the Cliff
0 people found this review helpful
by Shiro
Apr 27, 2023
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Annoyed me to death and had me pondering if someone would jump off that cliff...

Yes this review is pretty much all spoilers and me b*** about this movie, so brace yourself!

This is the story about the girl who got a heart transplant by peep hole surgery, and moved far, far away from any type of hospital to recover... Despite the surgery the girl seemed to experience shortness of breathe and had magic medicine to help her with that... Immune suppresents, foodlimitations and other stuff did not make the cut.

But not only did the girl receive a heart, she seems to have traded in half of her body as she pretty much got possessed by the ghost of her doner, became delusional and put her self in harms way making me wonder if this story was made by the anti organ donation lobbyist who would ultimately make her jump/fall/ be shoved off the cliff by her doner.

However she does seem to survive, and even though she basically ignores and pretty much cheats on her boyfriend with a ghost, nobody seems to care about that... like at all... preferably because anything goes if you have had surgery. The way she goes between the boys is almost fashinating. It was also pretty obvious that the boy was a ghost.

So yes I spent most of this movie cursing and thinking oh come on wtf... ?I(#€Q€OSF SDF

That said we do get to see some pretty great scenery, a really cute dachshund flashes by and we also get to see dolphins.

So if you shut of your brain and do not mind this type of story go for it the execution is not bad... as for me I bearly made it though.. .but do feel that seeing that dog and dolphin made up for some of the waisted time and annoyance this caused letting me give this a 6and not a 3 which it probably deserves...

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