Sweet n spicy Ice cream
This was my kind of feel light and fluffy chilly ice cream drama with lots of feel good... but not without its chilli flakes to spice it up here and there.The drama has a good pace, nice mix of friendship, working hard to achieve ones goals, conflicts and romance... There is however a light lack of umbrellas that stand out, but makes up for it with its ridiculous use of red product placed bags... Since I had just finished writing an article on the subject those bags cracked me up a lot!
I loved to see how they handled popular drama cliches, as well as kept me on my toes with both predictable and less predictable pace... I also loved the dynamics between the mane couple with bickering, growthe, and what may have started as a not so healthy relationship develop in to mutual respect and understanding. With lots of cringey, gooey fun scenes that just made me smile over and over again.
I also love how they used colors and clothing. It has a lot of great hoodies, you may want to try to count them all , but don´t you may miss something.
The amount of annoying characters was kept to a minimum and even the roles with least amount of time on screen got to show both strengths and weaknesses.
I did not like the work thru pain theme to it, it can be dangerous and is a bad message in my personal opinion... However the drama compensates with a good message of team spirit and working together that I really like, but can make some cringe, so this is for those who like cliches, like cringe, matching outfits and fluff and do not mind some hardship in between!
Also the Skating scenes are truly amazing!!!
Very gray and slightly depressing
This movie is most certainly not a feel good type of thing, but it was the perfect little break form happy fluffy stuff I needed. To be honest it was a bit slow so the entertainment value is not very high but the story itself is pretty interesting, showing a slightly different side to having a spouse badly injured in an accident... When finding out the spouse is injured is followed by, was having an affair and may or may not have been the driver of the car that was responsible for the accident and killed someone... And well this movie does a great job showing the different thoughts and stages the spouses left behind to take care of the mess their cheating "##¤#¤%% of spouse left for them to handle..." At firs I wished I could take her place" this sentence was never finished but we all know he probably changed his mind on that one..,,
The mild sexual content was tasteful and beautifully filmed, as well as was there for a purpose not just for thirsty eyes.
All in all a pretty okay movie, even if it was slightly depressing at times.
Enjoyable for us who know nothing about BlackPink...
This was really sweet, well made, well balanced and entertaining to watch.I am not the type to know anything about music let alone groups and had honestly mostly heard about BlackPink on feeds and about Jisoo as the costar in snowdrop... so I am what you may call a complete unbiased nub to this, and yes I really enjoyed this documentary.
The girls are adorable, they are extremely different and as they say complement each other well, we get a very short glimpse in to the girls personal life, just enough to understand where they are coming from but not to much to feel burdened with unnecessary or uncomfortable personal stuff.., they show both the hard work behind the scenes as well as the rewards from them. The importance of personal space as well as helping each other out and it is just lovely,
I think I go a slight crush on Rosé I love her voice, her talent as well as what we got to see of her introverted personality and she is now my favorite and I want to hear more of her, has she gone solo?
Jenny had this great granny personality and Jisoo seemed cool but was the one we got to know the least and Lisa was just this cute energy pill that bursted up the screen.
All in all definitely fun to watch and a documentary I recommend to all who do not hate pop.
A much needed correction for most of the things that bothered me in the first season
When I started watching this season I wrote: ", May they stop hazing and start being cute together... or deal with other stuff... that works too...And well that was more or less what i got, the hazing took much last place and went from being about controlling the juniors to sharing experience with the juniors, though they did not seem to leave some guy alone this felt much better than the first season.
The relationship between the two leads got of to a really good start but having to much harmoney does tend to get boring so of course we did need to get some drama, but did not get to much drama, the series did kind of have a slow start but actually got better with time and did address some interesting issues and clashes between Kongpob is slightly clingy open and outgoing personality and Arthits more secretive closed off personality, who just closes himself in whenever faced with something he does not know how to deal with, combined with the fact that Kongpob does not seem to respect Arthits boundaries or need of space at all . Made me frustrated and angry (in a good way) at both of them, wishing they could communicate batter. They also show some of the struggles for being new in a work place with the added pressure of "do you have a girlfriend" and coming out/not wanting to come out in the work, or even show affection towards ones long term partner at work, or even at home.
I won´t say it ha a lot of cuteness in the series itself, those where more reserved for the extra scene in the end of each episode,
so try not to miss those. The side couples feel a tad unnecessary but are cute on their own slightly rushed way, giving the feel that viewers would need to see the characters coupled up for the show to feel complete.
The drama did have both emotional, funny and suspenseful scenes all things that I appreciate while watching a show and was most certainly highly bingeable, the red umbrella seems is also there to enhance a feeling and warn for trouble ahead, or at least give us the feel of trouble ahead. Also the product placement of head and shoulders did make way for several lovely, bubbly (literally) innocent shower scenes for those who like those.
All in all definitely worth a watch, and honestly even if season one will give you more context, you can probably skip it and go straight for season two it is much better,
All the cliches and regular struggles with a twist of superpowers
This drama has a little bit of everything I like in a drama, cold male CEO with a power trip and amnesia giving us the chance to see him though his frozen heart over and over again... It has a cute AI robopet that is slightly evil while being just cuter than cute and a female lead that is brave, cool, and not ashamed to show lust... ok she is an alien and no it is not okay to objectify men but considering the norm for c-dramas is horny slightly aggressive men (which we did get here too) and women who are not allowed to show the slight interest in the male body it was refreshing to see a female drule... The drmaa has the regular cliches, with an eviler than evil scheming step mom, an oblivious father, lies, deception, an eviler than evil obsessed second female lead, power struggles and a sweeter than sweet slightly oblivious second male lead...The characters are pretty okay written not too annoying but will definitely arouse ones inner anger and frustration for those of us in to that stuff this is a pretty decent watch, but not as special as the alien touch to this trope would entail...
The creators of this dram a are most definitely masters of matching not only outfits but the environment and blood too! Not bad huh! However I was slightly disappointed by lack of umbrellas and people flying in the air the cover made way for.
All in all an easy to binge, fun watch but nothing out of the ordinary.
Not as bad or good as the other reviews make it to be...
This season is pretty much what one can expect of a second season where the couples relationship has some pretty big trust issues and built on some kind of foundation of if you love someone you must own them... So seven years on it is pretty impressive to see that they where actually still together and kind of sweet and loving. Had it just kept to the sweet and loving the whole 12 episodes viewers may have ended up satisfied with their ship but we would not really have much of a plot now would we... Judging by many peoples reactions we did however get a whole bunch of disappointed fans .In the beginning of the season I found myself wondering if the writer and actors where payed by the kiss/sex scene bordering on light porn while Type seemed to have matured and have gotten a slightly lower sexdrive Tharns labito was deffenetly still going strong but he no longer needed to use force to get what he wanted... And well both seem to be a bit overly dependent on/ obsessed with each other while lacking the oh so important trust, one may expect from a healthy relationship after 7 years of love... but they especially Type has gone thru some pretty good transformation ill give him that.
The dramatic parts are a bit milder yet recognisable from part one and the show does actually have a few good and important messages along side the odd and not so very healthy relationship advice it seems to convey. The drama also seems to give alcohol a lot more credit than it deserves... Some parts of the plot are repetitive, poorly executed and annoying lowering the entertainment value for this show. But I did learn a little but about buddhist culture that I previously had no clue what so ever about.
All in all an okay second season worth watching, but not much more.
Sweet, short slightly confusing
This web drama is really cute with a slightly confusing love triangle a great female lead, great friendships, lovely flirting scenes and an intro that just makes you happy (I do not know why but it does).The two male leads have both adorable and not so adorable sides to them, me otherwise being a succer for the icicle psychopath wounded sole types found myself conflicted between the two polar opposites finding myself both annoyed and slightly feeling for them just wanting to give the whole cast of this a big hug...
I started watching this because it was number 27 on my ptw after I had asked my husband to pick a number it was definitely an easy to watch easy to binge type of series so for those in need of something in between master pices or heavy stuff this is definitely worth watching.
Short but cute
This is a very short something, listed as drama but well I would not go that far as to call it one...This feels low budget and even though I know nothing of the budget I will rate it as such, the OST is amazing really setts the mood and is overall nice. a bit repetitive if you watch the whole thing in one go (it takes like an hour) but sweet and nice.
The side characters acting skills and placement on the annoying scale very from great even better than the leads to omg that person just needs to stop... But overall it was sweet.
The young lead had some annoying moments but the older guy and his friend rocked in both acting and characterwise I loved them, almost shipped them but hey if a guy falls in love with another guy at first sight who am I to ship him off with his probably hetero best friend... but Oh how I think I liked the older guys best friend. But the main couple is pretty sweet too and may give you some butterflies (it did give me some), and well nobody forces anything on anyone and that is always a + (sorry is that a spoiler).
Att the end they tell us that this whole thing was filmed with a galaxy s21 and that actually did both not surprise me and impress me at the same time. All in all definitely worth being watched but not a masterpiece .
Sweet, fluffy, with a touch of this takes forever and ever to move along...
This drama is much like its prequel very slow at times making you wonder if you will notice if you watch it in double speed. The relationship progresses bothe very quickly and frustratingly slowly at the same time. It is refreshing to see a male lead being cautious (almost too cautious) with a relationship as well as seeing a female lead take charge and not only be passive. This whole extreme caution and slight awkwardness from the male lead makes for great humour the few times he takes initiative.I loved the dynamics between the main coupla, the side characters all had their roles and they did them well. There was some drama but not a lot of it, the drama was however completely different in its manner than the prequel so to be honest other than the leads and occasional back flashes this drama has very little to do with it.
Watching the very sloooooow prequal see copy paste, or click on the link in the comments for my review of one and only https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/review/172709 . I do however think watching the prequel will give you a sence of longing and make you appreciate this drama more than it´f you have not watched it, so it is not necessary but I do recommend it and the order does matter because forever and ever does include a bunch of spoiler from one and only.
I loved how the male lead kept to his personality without compromising his affection as well as the way both the leads handheld drama cliche situations in an admirable manner. I especially loved the way this drama handled the issue of trust and jealousy even if it at times bordered on co dependency.
I also loved the use of pets in the drama, but tidd miss the beautiful umbrellas from season one... well you can not have it all I guess...
All in all definitely worth watching but beware of its slooooooow pace that will drive you nuts at times and is the reason for the 8 and not 9.
Like Armageddon but anciaent and bloodier
This movie kept reminding me of the Amercan Movie Armageddon from 1998 and Aerosmiths song that follows. So If Gorgyo was earth and the Tankg dynasty was an astroid, horses where space ships and... okay so maybe not many simularityes there but like Armageeddon but extraelmy different movie with a lot of blood, and not one but a bunch of so called great batles...The movie itself is pretty well made the OST is not amazing but it fits and setts the mood well. We get to seee several sides to a sotory as well as the implications of wasr and sacrafice. Questioning who th etraitor really is. The movie also shows human relations in a nice way and has some pretty good oneliners such as" Do you only choose th ebatles you can win" (or something like that) as well as some other lines that I have already forgotten but I think they where about the value of the people and what is worth protecting.
The movie is pretty blunt letting us hear them call right out the evils of wat when the concuring armeys pepp talk includes such lovely ideas as "MAke their childern your slaves and rape all their women (luckeyly they do not show those rapes on screen) but a whooooole lot of blood.
All n all a pretty okay watch for those in to less feelings, less romance and more blood fire, blood and more blod, did I mention blood?
Oh it also has some pretty beutiful scenerey.
Funny, informative and really, really sweet that makes gret use of TYU ( the yellow umbrella) !
This speciall is adoarable, sweet, funny informative and most deffenetly entertaining. combining some of my favorite tropes.The yellow umbrella, a previos user name of mine and my all time favorite inanimate object has a great role in this drama, so for all you TYU.lover out there this is a must watch!
At times this speicell feels like an advertisment for staying in school and the importance of studying, since it may actually save your life if you find yourself in the jeoson era, having knowlade in math and history may just be the difference between survivin and beeing banished or killed.
The special also makes great use of the crossdressing trope, no she is not the least bit convincing as a guy, but she does motevate all of her desissions and even thogh this is a very heteronormative show it does not use the steps in between in a way that I perseved as homofobic or disrespectfull ,
The actors did an amazing jobb Kim Seul Gi is just brilliant and every word is provided seems to come out naturally, bit the one liners as well as the very obvious prodoct placement, that just kept me lauging.
The scenery here is so pretty with a lot of beutifull sunset shots by the sea,
All in all I wish this has more episodes, but seeing how short this is I really can not fin a reason for anyone not to give it a try.
Kept me on my toes with all the right tropes
This drama was slightly torture to watch and made me wonder at times if this drama will end up being renamed unrequited love, friendzoned or most men suck... Yet still had me guessing (pretty predictable guesses), laughing and enjoying some seemingly endless bickering and teasing between the main couple. Some of the characters are just to "good" to be human and that can get to be a bit to much but otherwise all the character serve their purpose well and are a delight for both the eye and mind.To be honest it is hard to put my finger on exactly what made me give this 9,5 stars seeing it did torture me at times and make me want to tell the characters come on get your act together.Maybe just maybe the lack of having ones act together made it a bit more real in between all the perfect people in the drama. The female leads mom and brother top my list of people who bring out my inner anger. I must also say that allot of "bad behaviour" did get called out and even if it could be interpreted as romantic it did not just pass by like in many other c-dramas. It could also just be that this drama has high entertainment value and high emotional value making you feel a whole lot of anger, love, hate and happienesss all in one drama.
All in all a very enjoyable drama to watch that I recommend to any C-drama lover out there
Sweet a bit too religious for my personal taste but I love this angele to it...
This movie is really sweet, the main couple is adorable and their story is pretty typical guy who thinks he is straight falls for another guy and struggles with it. Not much new to that but also something always nice to to watch. what I do love is the way they for once let gay people be religious. So yes I love the representation here, the way the religion is portrayed and even if I personally am not a big fan of the whole jesus loves you theme when it comes to my personal belief as an atheist, It is not really my cup of tea to watch. However the freedom of religion person within me is thrilled with this type of movie. It brought down the entertainment value but I am really happy this movie exists and hope many people will watch it!A sweet bunch of cliches
Those who know me know that I am team cliche, so this drama was right up my ally with allot of wonderful recognisable cliches. No annoying characters and as far as I can see no one actually forcing themselves on the other, if it weren't for the co-habitation and cliches I would seriously have questioned if this was a c-drama or something else, but yes it was most sertainy a c-drama.Most of the twist where predictable but they did have their own touch to many common beloved characters and twists so a plus on that. The goose in this drama is very charming and has won my heart as well as did make for quite some humor in to the romance making way for the following line: "I want to watch the snow and walk the goose with you"
The female lead is a bit too naive for me to give this drama more stars but is at least not stupid enough to make me wonder how on earth she survived so far... The male lead is the common lovable melting Icicle and all the friendships in the drama are lovely. The dubbing is however pretty bad, which is kind of funny since the female lead is a voice actress...
All in all a decent watch but not much more.
It kept me on my toes, made me confused and made my heart flutter just enough
To be honest I do not know if I want to give this 10 or 9,5 stars but it got 10 stars the sole reason for this is that it has some amazing lines that deal with some of my absolute favorite issues in a very natural not forced kind of way.The story was not perfect in any way and is probably an acquired taste but it kept me interested, it kept me guessing and it made me put my hand over my eyes once or twice... but still it was very enjoyable as well as relatable with an added bonus of pretty faces, pretty bodies and dimples.
The family representation here is just beautifully done, so are the conflicts within oneself as well as with the outer world, the ost fits in and there is truelley a wide spread of characters that both embrace the stereotype and break it. And I am a firm believer in making way for the spectrum instead of having to distance oneself from the stereotype so added bonus for this. I also enjoyed seeing some of the city in the Philippines it was very charming.
All in all I gave it 10 stars so, yes I liked it and recommend others to watch it too.