Funny and ehmm... odd
What happens when 3 very different women just happen to run away from their lives, att the exact same time and place? Well of course they help each other out and build a new family?This little shoe may not have the greatest quality or for that matter greatest script but it is pretty funny to see how fast misunderstanding can accumulate and lead to a whole lot of mess as well the true value of shoes.
From a man not letting his wife put or running shoes, to the woman running away in heels. We see that heals may not be the easiest to run in but are a better weapon than slippers. The relationship between these 3 women is just adorable to watch and is great contrast to the men's way of understanding and communicating.
All in all definitely worth being watched, just mind the quality.
A feel good, fight back, feel mad kind of movie
This movie is kind of sweet and pretty interesting showing very clearly the prejudice against both teen pregnancies and woman as a whole while pointing out and society's lack of safety nets in an a tad absurd and to far way...What I loved about the movie was the dialog and the women sticking up for each other. I also loved the teen, she was probably smarter and waaaay cooler than all the adults in this drama but without loosing her status as a teen. I also loved how they over and over pointed out the absurdity in putting all the responsibility and blame on the teen mom when she clearly did not get pregnant on her own.
The grown up lead is not very nice, and that is okay too, she does have some growth but not to much growth and is most certainly less mature than the teen she has taken under her wing, giving the viewers a chance to hate her as wall as feel for her at times.
Other grown ups in charge of this teen and moms in general in this movie bring out my less pacifictic side, so do most of the men with one pretty awesome exception giving hope to all men out there, yes you can do it , you can be responsible lovable human being if you try.
All in all not really a masterpiece but definitely worth watching.
Just not as good as the first season...
This sequel was okay, but a bit of e mess, I am not really sure what the main theme of the sequel is and it does not really wrap things up as much as I had hoped. I would have wanted to see more of the process and more dialog between the first couple because this drama seems to have one foot on a second couple, a hand on a third couple and well I guess a foot in the air for the first couple from season one, I am left with the feeling of having missed some scenes, will there be a 3ed season for those or are should I use my imagination? I do not know.The first couple is however very sweet and lovable but do need to learn how to communicate with words instead of body language (both seem to have a pretty wide vocabulary), While Shi de is in desperate need of a lesson in the notion of consent, Shu Yi is needs to learn how to ask instead of assuming and also to control his emotions. But other then that they are really sweet ;)
The second couple had allot of potential to be interesting and sweet but just did not catch my interest at all and the third well, they could have been interesting if they had more screen time but fall flat.
Still worth watching, a third season could make up for all the plot holes, so if there will be one I advise you to wait with this till season 3 is out.
Short and messes with your head
This special completely messes with ones head, I am very happy that the next season is out or I would probably have strangled someone for what these 10 minutes did with this show, yet I still rated it the same as the previous, why you ask? well because I felt like it and because it really did make me want to see the next season ASAP. So definitely worth watching seeing that season 1 was sweet and left me wanting more, this little teaser managed to upset me and want it fixed... So I guess if you liked season one you will want to watch this too.Not the fluff you may be used to, but one of the better portrayals of student emotions in a c-drama
If you are in it for the c-fluff, you may want to look elsewhere, this drama is very different from the typical happy, fluffy, together we can do it vibe many school c-dramas otherwise give off, Here we get to learn that the world is unfair, things do not always go as you wish and actions have consequences. Mind blowing, right. The students here also tend to spend time studying as well being youths with impulses, emotions and a tendency to mess up their future.What I loved about this drama was the lack of sugar coating, and the real feel to it, the drama made me both infuriated and sad as well as made me appreciate the friendships portrayed. This drama did a good job at showing the importance of friendship and supporting each other but also the importance of having at least one teacher who believes in you and cares- Especially in a system that seems to have a bunch of people in power who are just selfabsorved meanies using kontrol and fear instead of trying to find the good in ever student. Those types of people scare the h*** out of me and should not get near students let alone teach or run a school.
This drama also shows how wrong valuing students and treating students differently based on their performance is. Showing how schools enlarge the gap between students instead of offering all students the help they deserve. It also shows the importance of second chances and finding motivation within. Not to mention how dangerous pressure can be for a student.
What it failed to do was make my heart flutter, thought there is plenty of build up for puppy love and several couples the drama stays more real then cater to romance and cliches (I love cliches), the relationships are overall healthy and actually manage to keep clear from toxicity but they also stay clear of the good stuff. So if you want to see puppy love and fluff you will probably end up disappointed. However the growth, the friendship and the issues in this drama are definitely worth watching.
Also, the actors did a great job, the OST did its job and I would say the quality of this drama is overall pretty good.
This is definitely a rare gem among the manny school dramas out there, and is most certainly worth watching, just do not expect fluff or feel good while watching. it is more of a feel sad get mad kind of drama.
Allot of drama in 7 short minutes
Honestly I do not know if this veeeeery short film is a Ice tea commercial or actually a short film. But in 7 short minutes we get to see more or less a whole plot from a more or less full drama with all from jealousy, misunderstanding and just a shot at a potential love triangle with a whole lot of tension... If a picture is worth 1000 words well a look in this drama is worth 10 000 words...So honestly if you have the time to spear to read this you also have the time to watch this short film.
Sweet as a lead couple can be
The lead couple in this drama is probably one of the sweetest lead couples I have ever seen, they have amazing chemistry and a slightly to strong friendship to build an amazing relationship on if they only dared to admit to their feelings/risk their friendship.Besides the not owning up to their feelings this drama portrays a relationship where two people are there for each other true thick and thin and can be themselves without having to compromise to much. A s apposed to the second leeds who show the perfect contrast. one showing what a relationship built on kriteria and non mutual affection looks like. The other one built on toxicity, ownership and guilt. Making me want to slap some sense in to the characters from time to time... The second male lead definitely brought out my inner anger and though i loved the female lead i did not like how she was with the second male lead at all. The male lead was way to passive, a true scaredy cat but had great character growth and seemed to learn that people can get hurt when men are too nice too.
There were many misunderstandings and obstacles, so it takes time for the main couple to come to terms with their feelings, some say to long I say the ending was rushed but the twists and terns did serve their purpose showing complexity to both characters and the idea of friends to lovers.
The friends and families in this drama are adorable and I can not say any one truly annoyed me,aggravated yes, annoyed no.
I wish they would show that even if the main couple had romantic love for each other that there are heterosexual people who have different genders but can have long lasting non romantic relationships. But other then that definitely wort watching.
The sweetest serial killers ever
This drama was really fun to watch though it may not has kept me on my toes as much as other dramas in this genre it had some pretty sweet moments as well as interesting twists.I love the complexity of the relationships in this drama as well as how they manage to humanize some serial killers making me want to give them a big, big hug instead of dooming them to hell. This drama does a great job in showing how every little choice matters and how lack of responsibility as well as selfish acts though they may seem insignificant may just lead to a whole lot of chaos.
The acting here was flawless Bo Gummy did an amazing job playing a villain that may or may not be a villain so hats of to him!
Seo In Guk did a great job hopping between icicle and sweetheart and the child actors acting was extremely impressive. I would definitely say that the casting for this drama was well thought of. The side characters here where both well casted and had interesting personalities with very few annoying traits.
The couple in this drama is adorable but I felt that their romance did not get the attention it deserved which is one of the reasons for the score not being higher. Another reason i s the ending, since I do not want to spoil it I will just say that it was not to my taste but others may like it. I just found it confusing, and not in a good way (otherwise I do love getting confused). Thought the drama showed the complexity of relations and decisions it barely scratched the surface on the important issues it seemed to try to portray such as child abuse, corruption and bad parenting.
All in all definitely worth watching
Penguins fluffy and sweet once they love they love forever but the disease is not as fun
Forget all you know about C-fluff, it is just not there okay, the cold male lead is there and the whole chinese morals sip thru but while most C-dramas are colorful cotton candy fluff this drama is more of a beige road trip telling its viewers how to live... But the name is highly misleading.Honestly I think I could have given this dram all from a 5 to a 10 star rating depending on when and what I was judging.
Good stuff that made this drama worth watching:
1. Portraying a terminally ill person as a competent person worthy of love and respect
2.Road trip, inspiring, fun and interesting realistic take on the idea of how to make it happen for those on a budget!
3. Fluffy dogs - these guys where just the sweetest ever
4. The vehicles
5. We need help to get by,..
6. It is not all fun and games being terminally ill
7. Great view
8, Not always predictable
Stuff that got on my nerves:
1. Never ever ending cycle of stranger danger becomes best friend in the end...
2. Characters that lack boundaries.
3. Some of their choices.
4. At times boring and repetitive plot
All in all worth a watch if you are looking for for something that feels real and want to see China and tibet traveled by small country roads.
Pride and prejudice? or maybe more pride and I'm scared sh**** to let any one close
This is a fun story about six friends who really, really. really need to learn how to communicate and let go of their insecurity and pride.This drama tackles issues of poverty, divorce, as well as finding ones place in life with or without a partner bringing to light things that may effect a relationship that go way beyond the simple I love you or can I trust you? Is love enough or will we make each other miserable. Are we standing in the way of our loved ones happiness or can we find a way to be happy together? And can I really bring someone else in to my miserable life or is it better to set the person free? As well as whose choice is that to make? All can summed up in the balance between love, fear and self acceptance as a person worthy of love. We could also call this drama 1000 ways to f**** up a relationship.
This drama really has it all relationship wise, the deep bonds of long lasting friendship, the happily married, the divorced, the kind stalker, the emotionally scared , the dieng, the long term relationship and the just just starting out, the friendships to lovers and the love triangle. All with their separate issues. I loved the relationships in this drama as well as more or less every single character in this drama BUT I wanted to yell at them to make better choices over, and over, and over again... Honestly if this show would have ended at the 12th episode (with just a few adjustments) I would probably have given it a 9 or even a 10 but they just kept making these bad decisions that drove me nuts all the way to the end, and made me loose my previous love for some of the characters,
The photography here is gorgeous (yes I chose the word photography, and if you see it you will understand why), as well as the attention to details making me want to visit Sole, so all in all a pretty good drama worth a watch.
Worth both the hype and the headache and is pleasently confusing
I loveeeed the first 6 episodes, their pace, their twists the feeling of not knowing, the messing with my mind... they were truly pleasantly confusing then it just got very, very strange to get really good 8 episodes later and continued to be great with everything I like in this type of drama, exept for enogh romance but they never claimed to have any so I am not allowed to complain, just stating what was missing that is all.This is a really cool, exhausting to watch drama, that I truly believe is worth both the hype and the headache But is one of those dramas you should take breaks from to both appreciate and cleans your mind from all the twists, mind games and horrifying scenes.
Some thoughts I had while watching where:
It feels like they are seriously trying to mess with my brain
I am pleasantly confused and I like it!
I'm watching episode 18 and the most illogical thing in this whole messed up twisted drama is how the h*** Moo Chi has not been fired I honestly can almost buy the insane twists but the job security for a cop in South Korea amazes me... but then again some cops in the US (and their countries) kill people and keep their jobs so maybe it's not as remarkable as I think it is...
So all in all this is a ride, a twisted, illogical mind messing ride with allot of guessing (mostly wrong), conspiracies and fun to
Emotional, fun, sweet, bitter love... and deffenetly easy to watch
Interesting take on regret, marrage and life...When I started watching this drama I posted this on my feeds:
I am watching 18 again, and have now seen several dramas with the theme married couples have crisis, go back in time or age or something find out they actually love each other... I just want to tell you that there are couples who have been together for a long time thru hardships that actually communicate and keep on loving each other, and that there also are allot of couples out there who should get divorced. Some couples are good for each-other while others are not. I´m not saying couples should break up after every argument, just that divorce is actually a life savoir for many and really not a bad option. Divorce is one of the most important options we should have and is nothing to be ashamed of, it is the first step towards another chance at happiness. So here is to loving relationships! with whom ever they may be.
And don't forget it's better to be happy alone than unhappy together!
And after watching this I still agree with what I wrote, maybe not for the couple in the drama but overall that I wish to see that type of drama where they acnawladge devorce as a good option,
Anyway the young actors here where all brilliant, they where sweet, made lovely side storys and side love triangels. Every singel character in this drama experinaced allot of growth and it was deffenetly fun to watch. The most annoying and only annoying character in the whole drama was the ML as a grown upp, sorry even thogh this is a very well known and experinced actor his acting stood out as between bad to mehh at most. Specially compared to all the other cast and characters.
The story it self has good pacing, some good massages , some cringe and some humor too, I like the motehrs character beeing a teen mom to begin with I wish I would have seen this before writing my artecle about mothers, she would deffenetly have made the cut as a really good mom, chossing her children, caring yet still able to focus on herself too.
I like the way this drama tackels the issue of absent fathers as well as agisem, cyber bulling and hierarcis.
As mentioned earlier I have seen atleast three dramas with this theme, and I loved Familjar wife alittle bit more (Could be becouse of Han Ji Min) but not much more and loved this one more than Go back couple. The Male lead is deffenetlly the best in this one out of all three thogh.
All in all a fun drama to watch, It has all the makes to make you laugh, moist your ayes and feel familjer it even has a range of umbrellas and trucky of doom! Not bad huh! It also has cuite a few takes on the regular cliches and was both predictable and managed to suprize me once or twice.
Fluff and clichés with lots of twists and turns
This drama has practiclley eaverything I like in a k-drama (exept for importatnt issues and JHI but not all dramas can be perfect). we could easiely play troph bingo with this one, its filled with classic twists, clichés and scenes that make you go what th... and I want to slapp that person soo badly (Violance is bad, do not slap people) so I love it it, I love it, I love it. Yes I do!The acting was pretty good, the chemestry between the leads was ok, not out standing but acceptable. Level of consent was mediocare... but never full on use of force...
The pace is great to begin with but does have a slow middele before escalating again.
The side caracters almost outshine some of the leads. Everey singel female character is well written and rocks! I love the female leads 2 bffs both haow different they are and just how they are, the advice they give, the friendship, the things they do their attitude towards life and death.... I actually love the the secound female lead beeing both the most bas ass character ever yes still shining a light on the dangers of crossingo over the line from love to obsession.
So all in all if you like fluff and clichés with twists this is deffenetly worth a watch, if you hate clichés step away and choose another drama,
Feels like an educational film but still sweet and steamy
I used to hold workshops for kindergarden teachers about how to act inclusive when greeting new parants, This drama reminded me of one of the discussionvideos we showed just that it had allot more kissing and some steamy scenens some more side storyes but it did have that feel to it.The story is pretty cute, the famiy is lovely the side characters and chosen famili are just wonderfull and diverce. I truely belive this show is both entertaining, sweeet and educational. I assume that the budget was probably pretty low so I think you should take that in to concideration while watching. But I must say they are very lovable, they incorprate several important day to day issues, and it is very is short so deffenatly worth the time. I am actually even hoping for a secound season (not like me at all). It aso made me miss pride, especially now during this d*** pandamic it was nice to see streets filled with people enjoying pride while still showing awearness of the struggels the community still faces today.
All in all just watch it.
A sprinkel of cuteness over a harsh reality
While Jung Hae In sprinkels his charm over the screen and Han Ji Min lightens the mood with her humor this otherwise heavy and beautiful slow paced drama sheds a light on the difficulties of breaking loose from harmfull relationships while having to face societies prejudice as well as the importance of letting go and moving on. Oh and also shows some pretty good parenting advice.This is the fourth K-drama I watched and like many others I watched it for the first time after watching something in the rain (the drama that made me completely fall in love with K-dramas).The creators of this drama are nothing shy of amazing with all from casting, to storytelling, pacing and visuals. If I have to complain about one thing it would be the choice of clothes for the leads (especially the first episodes, and the sock-less shoes) but they do fit their part so I cant even complain about that.
The casting for this drama is spot on, every singel character fits their part, the side storys enhance the theme of this drama beautifully and while some male characters make you loose all faith in men (and parents for that matter) others restore it so it evens out beautifully showing the difference between love and obsession/possession.
Jung Hae In does an amazing jobb showing a range of emotions where as his character is extremely calm, sweet and kind. He is forced to hold in his emotions most of the time and this is done beautifully. If you haven't fallen for this guy you defiantly will after you have seen this drama.
There is no doubt that Han Ji Mins character is this really cool librarian she is strong, independent and smart she finds it difficult to decide and break loose showing that even the strongest person will struggle in this situation.
The second male lead is also shown as complex, on the surface this really understanding and loving guy but beneath it a competitive, possessive, manipulative, prejudice ass something that shows you really cant tell.
So in conclusion this is a must watch, it may not always be an easy watch but a JHI smile and HJMs sweetness are never far away and will be there to comfort you.
Note! this is not an easy to watch drama, the pace is slow, you will not always understand or agree with the characters choices and if you make it threw the whole drama without getting frustrated and angry at at least one of the leads and the side characters at least once you may be the most calm person on earth.
P.s I really love the whole library and pharmacy setting and is just another one of those things that will make you fall in love even more with this drama.