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Amensalism taiwanese drama review
1 people found this review helpful
by PHope
Jun 29, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Good Enough

" Amensalism " had a good mystery, but the rest of the drama was boring.

The story about how everyone was connected to the past mystery case was quite solid. And, it would have been a really good drama if they had stuck to that one, and didn't add other plot lines that were underdeveloped. Also, the cases, in the beginning, were interesting, but they were too few.

The romance, on the other hand, was weak, as was the love triangle. Actually, the second lead was more interesting than the main male one. The other side characters were always overlooked and they had no story or actual personality, which is unfortunate, as the team was entertaining. The villains, finally, were predictable and too cliche.

The performances, lastly, was just okay. And the CGI horrible.

So, overall, five out of ten.
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