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Doom at Your Service korean drama review
Doom at Your Service
3 people found this review helpful
by Tasnima_329
Jun 29, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

I LOVED all the characters and storylines in this drama.

I LOVED both main leads in this drama. Seo In Guk had some of the best LINES. I thought the FL would be one of those goodie goodie FL's, that are annoyingly nice. But, she wasn't, she can be more savage than the ML from time to time.

I LOVED how the plot of this drama wasn't dragged. Every single episode had its own story, or was an extension to the previous episode. When one storyline ended, another unexpected storyline would start. All the side characters had their own story, whether it's on or off screen, it didn't just focus on the main leads. The main leads story did get kind of boring, the second leads story is similar to the usual love triangle kdramas I watch, and it was really good on it's own. All the characters were connected somehow and all the main characters and the FL's brother had a bond of sorts.

I originally started this drama for Lee Soo Hyuk after Born Again and more so after the Scholar Who Walks the Night. And, I LOVED his charecter, Cha Joo Ik's atitutude was EVERYTHING, again, with really good lines. There is a love triangle in this drama, for the second lead couple, and I LOVED it, because, for a second lead couple, unlike a main couple, there's a possibility for either love intrest to be endgame. And I was shipping Joo Ik hard with Ji Na. I LOVED how all Joo Ik wanted was to litterally be the main lead to Ji Na's novel because her ex, Hyun Gyu was always the main lead to all her other stories.

I loved how this drama had a very closed and wrapped up ending. I usually like open ending so I can make up my own ending, but this ending closed the drama perfectly.
I also loved that it had a happy ending, it would have been just as good with a sad ending. Honestly, I was also expecting a happy ending despite the drama having a sad undertone, simply because it constantly gave hints so a happy ending even though every character thought it would be a sad ending.
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