This review may contain spoilers
Rather than movies, I am a more drama-person. But Park Bo Young and Kim Young Kwang, these two are the cutest ones! And after seeing them as couple, I don't have any chance but to watch. Did you see the photos from press conference? I started to think "I will definitely love this movie" after realize their chemistry. And also those movie posters! Everything about this movie looked so cute to me, except one thing, its name. And my fears came true. I couldn't think it doesn't have an happy-ending. The name of the movie says lots of things, it says "you should prepare for an possible unhappy-ending". But I didn't want to hear. I was expecting a love story. It wasn't. It was a story about intermittent relationship of 2 people who don't try hard enough to be happy together. I don't know why Woo Yeon didn't call her when he is in the military service. Maybe he decided to forget her. So if he decided to forget her, why he didn't just ignore her when he saw her in the street after several years. And in my opinion Seung Hee was always passive for their love and was the person who loves less. There are more things in my mind, but won't dwell on this subject.
I loved the not-chronological story telling technique, leaps from past to present than again to past were interesting.
About acting, there can't be any problem. In my opinion they are just perfect.
I love Woo Yeon's love. Yes, I think he had some mistakes. But things he did for her especially during highschool days were so cute. Also his reactions! *-* Maybe the reason of it is Kim Young Kwang, aren't his reactions so cute?!
I was in a "cute love story movie" mood, but the times that they look happy together were really short, they immediately met with an obstacle (or they made an obstacle for themselves). Yes, maybe it was realistic. Maybe 2 people who really loves each other can't be happy even if they try hard. But it doesn't matter more realistic or not, I hate unhappy endings. Also I hate spoilers (I didn't read even plot summary part to avoid spoilers), but I wish I saw an spoiler about this movie's unhappy ending, so I didn't watch it and I would choose a movie about cute love story.
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The manga characters were so cute, I laughed so much to "laughing old man", I love relantionship between dogs and Akkun, I love Hara-chan's reactions to ALL foods. Hara-chan was so goofy, his exaggerated movements were so "real", since it is normal to not know how to behave normally for Hara-chan. I love his enthusiasm about EVERYTHING and his sincere smile so much.
The drama has 2 songs with same melody but different lyrics. And both of them are perfect. Akuma-san's song was so beautiful, I love her voice and the lyrics. Here the link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWsiSvIry8 (I don't know whether there is full version of it, but I couldn' find it.) And about second song... After watching one episode from Nakuna Hara-chan, you may start to sing "Desho? Desho? Desho?" part like me. The scenes which all characters in the manga world sing this song were so lovely.
Probably my favourite character is Akuma-san, because she looks so cold and scary but she is so sweet inwardly.
There is one thing that I want to change about this drama if I had a chance. I wish they pay more attention to support roles' love story.
By the way, yeah it is kind of romance drama but if you want to watch a drama full of love and romance, I think you should prefer another one. It would be better if you watch this one, when you want to watch a drama which is really different from other dramas that you watch before.
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High quality, heavy load
Has this drama high quality? Absolutely yes.Was acting good? Perfectly. I can give 100 out of 10 to everyone (idk why but maybe except Lee Min Ki)
Was the story interesting and unusual? YES!
Were the dialogues meaningful and thought-provoking? Definitely.
Did I enjoy watching this drama? No. A big no.
Did I finish it no matter what? Yes.
It was a heavy load on my shoulders which I am still feeling. Wasnt enjoyable for me at all except few scenes. Why? Cuz it was so relatable for me. Relatable much as giving pain to me. Some fears mentioned were my own fears that I am afraid to mention. Some frustrations were my own frustrations that I can't find any way out. Some weariness was my own weariness that I am struggling with for many years. This drama didn't do any good to me. At the beginning of the drama, we were all sad. All characters and me. And at the end, at least some of them are happy compared to the beginning, I am still sad. Nor their sadness neither their happiness made me happy.
I can see that why many people like this drama that much. It is in a different league compared to most of the dramas. But I prefer dramas with lower quality and higher pleasing level.
According to me who can enjoy this drama most? Adults who are satisfied with their lifes. They might have problems in their past, but now they should be happy about their life in general. I think for younger people like teenagers, it can be a boring drama with 'pessimistic adults', it can be seen as "unrealistically plaintive" even if it is totally real. And I think for the adults like me, adults who have big problems, who have big disappointments, who have to deal with things that they've never thought they are gonna deal with before, this drama is heavy load. I am happy to finish this drama finally. I would never start it at the beginning if i've known it is something like this.
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