After having played Toyama Kintaro and Sadaharu Inui in 'The Prince of Tennis', the film directed by Abe Yuichi in 2006, Wada Toyama and Hirofumi Araki gave life to Amamiya Hokuto and Tatsumi Shinichirou, in that order, in the Japanese romantic drama 'Asymmetry', made in 2008 by debut filmmaker Sato Tetsuya.
With a script by Erika Seki, a prolific writer of films and television series, the feature film tells how the relationship between Hokuto, a generous and kind-hearted young man who dreams of traveling the world as a professional cameraman, and Shinichiro, the doctor of his hospitalized girlfriend, an old high school classmate, also a lover of photography and with whom he became estranged after an accident that caused the friendship between the two to be broken.
Meeting his old friend again will awaken dormant passions in both of them.
The audience is faced with a very sad film, but uplifting in its own way. Hokuto is worried about the pain of Tatsumi, who clearly loves his friend, but Hokuto can't do anything about it.
With a script by Erika Seki, a prolific writer of films and television series, the feature film tells how the relationship between Hokuto, a generous and kind-hearted young man who dreams of traveling the world as a professional cameraman, and Shinichiro, the doctor of his hospitalized girlfriend, an old high school classmate, also a lover of photography and with whom he became estranged after an accident that caused the friendship between the two to be broken.
Meeting his old friend again will awaken dormant passions in both of them.
The audience is faced with a very sad film, but uplifting in its own way. Hokuto is worried about the pain of Tatsumi, who clearly loves his friend, but Hokuto can't do anything about it.
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