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The Love by Hypnotic chinese drama review
The Love by Hypnotic
0 people found this review helpful
by Drama Tea
Jan 26, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

You want kisses?? We've got kisses!

Okay, I admit it. I watched The Love by Hypnotic only because I enjoyed Fang Yilun’s performance so much in A Journey to Love. The show was also a much-needed lighter fare for me after the dark depths we had to go to in AJTL. And there were so many funny moments in the show.
The Love By Hypnotic is light, sweet, and fluffy. It’s an enemies-to-lovers story done well. Alas, that’s probably the only thing I can praise it for. Its many storytelling and production flaws prevent me from giving it a higher score.
- The plot is often illogical and things happen to create angst or lovey-dovey things happen for our couple.
- The way Ming Yue uses hypnosis makes me uncomfortable.
- This kingdom is run on a shoestring budget. There's no maids, soldiers or eunuchs around and royal protocol is non-existent.

But, but ... its good points are really good.

- Fang Yilun's acting is on point, and he shows what a versatile actor he is; he handles the funny and serious scenes expertly.
- The kissing scenes are ... omg, the best I've seen and there are. so. many.
- The characters talk about sex. Yes, SEX. In a Chinese drama.

For one, it does romance REALLY well.

We journey with our reluctant couple as they first meet, fall in “hate” at first sight, develop affection for each other and eventually love. But they don’t stop there – they also talk about practicalities like initiating sex (imagine that), and living together as a married couple when you have different habits and personalities.

So yes, I highly recommend this drama despite its flaws. It can get frustrating at times, but it's still a good drama to relax to and to giggle over ;)

This is a summarised version of my lengthier review here:
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